  • 學位論文


The Research of Reinventing Government-A Case Study on the Organization Restructuring of the Executive Yuan

指導教授 : 謝登旺


在全球化的腳步下,世界各國處於高度競爭的狀態,而資訊科技發展隨時引爆新潮流與新趨勢,因此各國政府無不積極提升效能與國家競爭力,我國政府自也難置身於此波改革聲浪之外,尤其2000年政黨輪替後,新政府企圖有所作為,積極推動我國政府再造。而再造工程中,以行政院組織改造最為迫切,若能成功,政府效能提升更顯而易見,因此本論文旨在探討行政院組織之最適架構。 本論文採取文獻分析法、比較分析法及歷史研究法,透過相關探討,尋繹最適之行政院組織架構。 在政府再造的理論基礎方面,藉由公共管理領域中的傳統公共行政、新公共行政、新公共管理、新治理途徑及新公共服務等相關行政學理論對政府管理所持觀點的差異及演變過程,勾勒出政府在管理上的注意事項;此外透過企業型政府的意涵及精神的探討,描繪出政府再造時應具有之精神。最後經由政府再造理論的建構及策略,參照國外相關經驗,具此作為我國政府再造參考依據。 當前行政院所轄組織機關過多,衍生諸多為人詬病的缺失,文中予以詳加探究,並根據組織設計相關理論,歸納出行政院組織改造的原則。 行政院組織修正自民國76年起即已展開,但歷時近二十年仍未更動現有基本組織架構,而文中對於修法之過程亦予以分析討論。最後以民國94年2月行政院函送立法院之修正草案為基準,彙整各方意見及相關理論,得出最適行政院組織之具體建議。


Under the current tide of globalization, governments across the world are engaging in an intensely competitive state, wherein new IT development may at any given time herald new tide or trend. As such, all countries, without exception, are proactively promoting government efficiency and national competition. Taiwan, of course, has long responded to this universal consensus call for government reform movement. Taiwanese has seen its active government reengineering, especially since 2000’s party alternation in power. In its attempt to make some achievement, Taiwanese new government has recognized the imperative urgency of the Executive Yuan’s organic reform, which, if succeeded, would positively enhance government efficiency significantly. In light of this, this paper aims to explore the most appropriate framework suitable for the current cabinet organization. Adopting various methodologies, such as literature analysis, comparative analysis, and historic study, this study intends to reveal the optimal organizational framework best fitting through related discussion. Regarding theoretic basis concerning government reinventing, different viewpoints and evolutionary process of various administration theories within public governance domain, i.e. conventional public administration, new public administration, new public management (NPM), new governance approach, and new public service, are adopted to outline the dos and don’ts that should be heeded in the governance process. Followed by an in-depth discussion of the connotation and spirit of entrepreneurial government, this study further depicts the reforming spirit that is necessary in the course of reengineering. Lastly, in accordance with relevant experience drawn from foreign countries, and through constructing of government reengineering theory and strategies, all resultant findings are presented for government authorities in their future reengineering process. Detailed discussion will also be conducted on some defects, derived from superfluous subordinate institutions in the existing Executive Yuan, which have long invited broad public criticism. Guidelines for the Executive Yuan’s organization reform engineering will also be induced from various related organization design theories. Since launching in 1987, organic modification of the Executive Yuan has spanned over two decades, and yet no changes have been made in the existing basic framework. Therefore, this study will also extend to cover the legislative procedures of act modification. Finally, based on the February 2005 draft amendments sent by the Executive Yuan to the Legislative Yuan, and by combining diverse pubic opinions, related theories, and consideration of current political practices, concrete suggestions and recommendations for the optimal organization will be acquired and presented.


行政院研考會(2006),《政府改造簡報--組織改造與配套措施》,2007年9月30日,擷取自:http://reform.rdec.gov.tw/public/Data/ 66112172071.ppt。


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