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A Study on the Effects of Coach Leadership Behavior and Sports Burnout on Student Athlete Sports Dropout




This study aimed to explore the influence of coach leadership behavior, sports burnout on student-athlete sports dropout, Using questionnaires for 110-year registeredNational Taitung University Affiliated Physical Education Senior High School andHualien Physical Education Senior High School high school students, A total of 302 valid questionnaires were recovered, Descriptive statistic, independent samples t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression are employed in data analysis. The results of the study found that female student-athletes had a higher dropout rate, and high school freshman and high school sophomore student-athletes also had a higher dropout rate, while male coaches were more likely to cause student-athlete dropouts. In addition, Student athletes who perceive more "authoritarian behavior" will increase the sports burnout of "emotional and physical exhaustion", "depreciate sports", "reduce the sense of achievement", and also increase the willingness to "sport dropout".


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