  • 學位論文


A Study on the Migration of Distance Instructional Programs in Taiwan:The Case Study of "The 21st Century Civic Literacy - The Master Series" Plan

指導教授 : 林素甘


百餘年來,遠距教育所呈現的是一種和科技密切結和的現象,而這種教學模式也是用來滿足世人終身學習的有效作法。為了使教學課程具備經濟效益之生產規模,遠距教學機構採用工業化的運作機制,也因此才能使用昂貴的大眾傳播媒體來播送教學內容。而在網路普及的現今,對於之前所產製的大量節目型態教材,遠距教學機構視其為重要的教學與研究資產,在除了以轉置作為長期保存外,將其改編為其他型態的媒體教材利用於教學,亦為可推動的作法。 為深入探討節目型態教材轉置利用的現象之特徵和狀況,本研究以教育部『21世紀公民素養--大師系列』計畫個案為研究範圍,採質性研究方法,運用多種途徑蒐集相關資料,其中以與個案相關7位受訪者的深度訪談為主,藉由面對面的訪談,蒐集詳盡、豐富的資訊。也從國立空中大學提供的內部資料、公文、專題研究報告與媒體教材內容等來源,蒐集所需資料。從遠距教學機構的組織制度、教材內容與教材媒體呈現等面向來探索及詮釋電視教學節目改編為網頁教材過程的演變和脈絡,藉此瞭解其決策與影響因素,並希望透過本研究詳實分析與討論而獲致的結論,可提供情境脈絡相近之機構於規劃及利用轉置內容時參考。 歸納本研究結論為: (一)空中電視教學目節轉置為網頁教材利用的考量因素計有:符合開課單位之核心能力、節目涉及的著作權、節目內容的結構、改編成本、內容時效性、內容專業性與親和度、影像及聲音的品質共7項。 (二)轉置教材所遭遇的困難可分為:行政作業的限制、需對教材結構脈絡進行梳理、學生難適應無書課程3項。 (三)以媒體教材內容及呈現形式,說明個案電視教學節目改編為網頁教材的特色。 並根據研究結論,針對個案、遠距教學機構及未來之研究方向提出建議。


More than a century ago, Distance Education has been viewed as a intimate combination of science and technology while the teaching model is also used to meet effective practice of lifelong teaching for people. In order to enable the teaching courses to benefit from economies of scale, Distance education uses the operating mechanism of industrialization and is able to use expensive mass media to broadcast teaching content. Nowadays, with the spread of Internet, a large number of previously produced teaching programs are considered as important assets for research and teaching. In addition to conducting migration for a long-term preservation, we can adapt it for media materials in other forms to benefit the teaching and promote its interest. In order to further explore the characteristics and conditions of teaching materials migration, this study takes the Ministry of Education “21st Century Civic Literacy --- The Master Series” Plan as the research scope. It adopts qualitative research approach to collect relevant information; in-depth face-to face interview with a group of 7 respondents is the main approach to compile a great deal of detailed information. It also employs internal data from the National Open University, official documents, research reports and teaching materials from media sources as ways of collecting needed information. Hence, to explore and interpret the evolution of TV instructional programs and its adaptation for internet-based learning materials from the organizational system of Distance Education institutions, contents and media presentation of teaching material. By understanding the decision-making process and its influencing factors, conclusions which are made through comprehensive analysis and discussion can be provided to similar institutions as references for planning and application of migration. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The considerations of migrating TV instructional programs as internet-based learning materials are a total of 7 items: matching the core competence of the course offering department, program copyrights, structure of program contents, adaptation costs, time-effective content, professional content and affinity and audio and visual quality. 2. The difficulties of migrating teaching materials can be summed up into a total of 3 items: administrative work restrictions, the need to sort out the contextual structure of these materials and the difficulty for students to adapt to bookless learning. 3. Use contents and media presentation of teaching material to describe the features of adapting TV instructional programs for internet-based learning materials. Thus, based on results of the research in this case, the future of Distance Education institutions and research directions are proposed.


