  • 學位論文

公營事業工作價值觀、工作特性、 員工屬性與組織承諾之關聯性研究 —以中國石油公司為實證對象

A Study on the Relationships among Work Values﹐ Job Characteristics ﹐Employees' Characteristics and Organizational Commitment of State-owned Enterprise: The Chinese Petroleum Corporation Employees as Empirical Samples

指導教授 : 諸承明


摘要 論文名稱:公營事業工作價值觀、工作特性、員工屬性與組織承諾之關聯 性研究—以中國石油公司為實證對象 校院系所:中原大學企業管理研究所 學位類別:碩士 研究生:蔡盛明指導教授:諸承明博士 畢業年度:九十一學年度第二學期 論文頁數:113 頁 論文內容摘要: 本研究之主要目的在探討公營事業工作價值觀、工作特性、員工屬性 與組織承諾之關聯性,透過文獻探討,共發展出五項主要研究假設,分別 是假設一:探討工作價值觀與組織承諾之關聯性;假設二:探討工作特性 與組織承諾之關聯性;假設三:探討員工屬性與工作價值觀之關聯性;假 設四:探討員工屬性與組織承諾之關聯性;假設五:探討工作價值觀與工 作特性對組織承諾之交互關聯性。 有鑑於此,本研究除了進行相關文獻的探討之外,亦透過問卷調查的 方式進行實證研究,經由統計分析之後,歸納出下列五項重要的研究結論: 一、無論是整體工作價值觀,抑或自我成長取向、自我實現取向、尊嚴取 向、社會互動取向、組織安全與經濟取向、安定與免於焦慮取向以及 休閒健康與交通取向等七大取向,都分別對組織承諾具有顯著的正相 關,也就是說,抱持愈積極正面的工作價值觀者,其組織承諾愈高。 二、無論是整體工作特性,抑或工作多樣性、工作完整性、工作重要性、 工作自主性、工作回饋性以及潛在士氣分數等,都個別對組織承諾具 有顯著的正相關,亦即整體工作特性愈高,其組織承諾愈高。 三、已婚員工確實比未婚員工有著較為積極正面的工作價值觀與工作態 度;也發現屬於管理督導類的主管人員,由於已身居要職,擁有較強 的使命感與責任心,因此,工作價值觀比其他類別人員相對較佳。 四、年齡愈大則組織承諾愈高,年齡愈輕則組織承諾愈低;而且已婚者確 實比未婚者有較高的組織承諾;而分類派用主管人員確實比其他職位 人員具有較高的組織承諾與認同感;同時發現服務年資11〜15 年員 工層的組織承諾最高,服務年資26 年以上的員工層則次之。 五、安定與免於焦慮取向高低與潛在士氣分數高低會對組織承諾產生交互 關聯性。 根據研究結論,就管理涵義上提出以下建議,提供個案企業、相關公 營事業以及學術界後續探討研究之參考: 一、企業在甄選進用生力軍時,宜多加考量新進人員的工作價值觀是否符 合企業的期望,俾藉由高度工作價值觀取向有效提高其組織承諾。 二、企業除落實完善安全措施及保險制度的基本保障外,更需從教育訓練 方面著手,激發主動積極的人生態度,引導樹立樂觀積極的職場工作 觀念,蔚為企業文化。 三、企業宜設法使工作多樣化、豐富化,增加工作與職務的輪調,並拓展 不同領域的學習,讓員工獲得嘗試學習各種自我成長的機會,也擁有 更多自主工作揮灑的空間,同時更應該讓員工感受到其存在於組織的 價值,以及對企業貢獻的重要性。 四、企業應充分瞭解員工屬性,並加以適當運用,才能發揮知人善任的乘 數效用。


Abstract A Study on the Relationships among Work Values﹐Job Characteristics﹐ Employees' Characteristics and Organizational Commitment of State-owned Enterprise:The Chinese Petroleum Corporation Employees as Empirical Samples The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among work values, job characteristics, employees’ characteristics and organizational commitment of state-owned enterprise. There were five major hypotheses that has expanded and proposed by reviewing preview literatures. In the first hypothesis, the relationship between work values and organizational commitment. In the second hypothesis, the relationship between job characteristics and organizational commitment. In the third hypothesis, the relationship between employees' characteristics and work values. In the fourth hypothesis, the relationship between employees' characteristics and organizational commitment. In the fifth hypothesis, the interaction effects of the work values and job characteristics on organizational commitment. In view of this, it was not only the exploration of scientific or technical literature but also use questionnaire surveys to get empirical data. By statistical analysis, we conclude five major results as follows: 1. The tendency towards the entirety of work values and ethics, the development of the individual self, self-actualizing, self-esteem, social interaction, the economy and safety of organization, the tranquility and easiness, and the fitness and traffic. In each major respect that is direct proportioned to the organizational commitment respectively. In other words, an employee who acts more positive and who will make much more organizational commitment indeed. 2. The characteristic is the entirety of jobs and ethics, the variety of task, the identity of task, the significance of task, the autonomy of task, and the feedback of task, and motivating potential score. In each characteristic has brought out that is also direct proportioned to the organizational commitment individually. As has been stated, the characteristic of the entirety of jobs is eminent. As a result, the more organization commitment will be made. 3. Employees who get married act more positive than employees who are not. Furthermore, employees who hold the office of management and superintendence have better work values since they have strong missions and responsibility of their jobs. 4. Employees whose age is elder make more organization commitment than employees who are younger. Employees who get married make more organization commitment than employees who are not. Employees who are manager make more organization commitment than employees who are the others. Employees whose seniority is within 11 to 15 years may make more organization commitment and may take it for granted as well. Employees whose seniority is 26 years above may come up as the next. 5. The tranquility and easiness of tendency, and motivating potential score may take reciprocal interaction and have great effects upon the organizational commitment. According to the conclusion of research work, there are a few suggestions brought out with the definition of management to provide aganinst the follow-up activities within case study and the academia : 1. It should be considered that is the work values of freshman tally with the expection of enterprise once the fresh activists needed, and for the purpose of increasing the organizational commitment. 2. Enterprise should fulfill and take safe measures and insurance system, besides the educational training, and then to encourage the positive philosophy and lead employees to optimistic work values. As a result, it may be positive and admiring enterprise culture. 3. Enterprise should arrange for variety and profuseness of task, and raise the challenge of job and function, and extending the varied domain of knowledge, so that omnigenous self-improvement will be learnt by employees. Also, employees may have the right to act on his/her own work, to appreciate from experience. Even employees gain their centrality of enterprise. 4. Enterprise should comprehend the characteristics of its employees, in addition to make good use of them.




