  • 學位論文

適地性服務App使用者介面設計 ─萬能科技大學校園行動導覽

User Interface Design for App with Location-Based Service - Vanung University Mobile Campus Navigation System

指導教授 : 邱永中


隨著行動裝置的普及,行動裝置應用程式的種類繁多,許多大學校院也開發許多與校園生活相關的App。本創作以適地性服務(Location Based Service)應用為基礎,結合行動裝置特性,將新生及訪客作為主要的使用對象,規劃一套完善且便利之校園行動導覽App。 藉由本App可以迅速認識校園,查詢校園建築物及週邊相關資訊、活動等等,為學校與使用者之間建立良好的互動,也與學校產生更緊密的連結。 本論文主要以文獻探討法了解人機互動設計的概念,透過其他校園導覽App的案例分析,歸納整理出行動裝置介面設計原則,將其應用至創作中,期望作為行動應用程式介面設計之參考準則。


Nowadays the mobile devices are getting popular, it can be seen everywhere. There are various mobile applications, and many colleges have developed the applications which are related with campus life. The creation is based on Location Based Service, plan a complete and convenient campus navigation system for the freshmen and visitors which combine with the characteristics of mobile devices to quickly realize and find out the information of campus. Through the app create a good interaction and connection between the school and students. The study reference the literature review and analyze others campus apps to generalize the principles of human-computer interaction design and user interface design. Hope the findings of this study provide the mobile device user interface design standards.


(1)鍾榮峰(2013),行動裝置夯 普及率近 5成,民國102年11月9日,取自http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aFE/201307170103-1.aspx。
(2)鄭緯筌(2013),Gartner:2013 行動應用商店年下載量突破1000億次 - 數位時代-台灣最具影響力的科技媒體,民國102年11月21日,取自http://www.bnext.com.tw/article/view/id/29445
