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Ageing Theories (Ⅰ): The Biological Perspective and the Research Trends




The purpose of this paper is to discuss the basic concepts and various theories of aging and its research trends in order to promote the application of theories into practice for the fields of health care, social services, elderly care, and geriatric services. Aging is starting at what is commonly called middle age, operations of the human body begin to be more vulnerable to daily wear and tear; there is a general decline in physical, and possibly mental functioning. Biologists regard aging as reflecting the sum of multiple and typical biological decrements occurring after sexual maturation; behavioral scientists view it as reflecting regular and expected changes occurring in genetically representative organisms advancing through the life circle under normal environmental conditions. Aging is not merely the passage of time. It is the manifestation of biological-psycho-social-cultural events that occur over a span of time. Aging is a complex interaction of genetics, chemistry, physiology, culture and behavior. The concept of aging can be defined as a continuous, universal, progressive, intrinsic, and deleterious process that eventually results in the death of life. There are two categories of aging theory: biological theories and behavioral-social science theories. The current biological theories of aging can be divided into two groups: Build-In-Programmed theories and DNA Damage-Error theories. The DNA Damage-Error theories explain that aging is caused by accumulated damage to DNA, which in turn inhibits cells' ability to function and express the appropriate genes. This leads to cell death and overall aging of the organism. The paper has finally pointed out the importance of aging study and its implication on the national policies of elderly care, social welfare, health care, and gerontology and geriatric education in the university and professional associations.


