  • 期刊


The Study of New Environmental Paradigm and the Development of Aquatic Sport and Tourism & Recreation




With the progression of human civilization, the human-environment relationship has evolved into a new phase. Human beings build and learn their economic theories through Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) and pursue the economical value within; however, despite the development of scientific knowledge, human beings have never overcome the power of nature. This fact brings up a new concept - New Environmental Paradigm (NEP). In recent years, with the massive expansion of aquatic sport and tourism & recreation industry in Taiwan, a significant impact has struck against the marine ecosystem and the nature environment. In order to balance the economic growth of the industry and the marine environment, this essay investigates this issue and the innate of NEP. It is expected that the value and belief of NEP can provide a thinking model which considers both economic development and marine environment for their sustainable future.


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