  • 期刊


Challenges to the Nursing Practicum During the COVID-19 Pandemic




The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted first-line medical staff as well as nursing-student clinical practicum programs. How to cooperate with the government's pandemic-prevention policies and reduce the gap between education and clinical practice represent significant challenges. In this paper, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology (CCUST) is used as an example to show how schools in Taiwan have effectively adapted the fundamentals of nursing practicum programs to the current pandemic using e-learning, group discussions, case analysis, clinical skill practice, and clinical case simulation scenario exercises. The program at CCUST both takes into account the safety of students and has achieved all critical nursing practice goals. After implementation of these adjustments, satisfaction among nursing students with the practicum environment and the clinical instructors was found to be significantly higher for the on-campus clinical practicum than for the off-campus clinical practicum. Furthermore, the results of qualitative data analyses show that nursing students in the on-campus practicum gained significant knowledge and experience and commented positively on their experience. For example, the students indicated that they were satisfied with the simulated clinical environment of the CCC, the teaching strategies and adaptability of the instructor, and the application of virtual reality scenario cases to enhance skill proficiency and learning outcomes. The adjusted nursing clinical practicum described in this paper may be used as a reference to ensure the quality of nursing clinical practicum programs is maintained during epidemics.


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