  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Competitive Advantage for Phalaenopsis Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉順仁


應用Michael Porter的鑽石模型分析台灣及荷蘭蝴蝶蘭產業之競爭優勢,顯示二者均有明顯群聚效應現象,惟因台荷之地理位置、產業環境截然不同,二者之競爭優勢關鍵因素之結構亦有懸殊差異;荷蘭的地理位置雖是最初級的生產要素條件,卻是極重要的優勢;此外市場規模、國民消費購買力、拍賣場的運作功能及所連結之通路物流系統、品牌行銷、高度的自動化、規格標準制定能力等均具有較台灣明顯的優勢;在政府法令規定、業者經營規模、產品品質、標準化栽培技術、消費文化、與國際市場產品區隔性、種苗品質、溫室工業水準、行銷展示活動、價格透明化機制、健康種苗等各方面荷蘭亦具有相對的優勢。另一方面,台灣蝴蝶蘭產業則僅在氣候環境、亞洲市場、輸美檢疫規定等3項目具有明顯優勢,在種源數量、新品種研發能力、生產成本、出口目標市場、種苗成本、能源成本、政府研發服務及投入等具有相的對優勢,其餘多數項目相較於荷蘭均處於明顯劣勢或相對劣勢狀態。整體而言,荷蘭因其花卉產業歷史悠久,群聚效應早已存在並充分發揮競爭優勢,故雖然投入蝴蝶蘭產業之時間較台灣短,却具有較廣泛的競爭優勢,尤其是「需求條件」、「相關支援性產業」及「企業策略、結構與競爭對手」等三項關鍵因素明顯優於台。檢視台灣蝴蝶蘭產業群聚應符合Porter強調「展現國家競爭優勢的產業通常具有地理集中性」之原則,亦符合「產業是否有突出外銷實績」及「依本身技術等實力在海外投資的表現如何」等評估標準,如能善用鑽石模型關鍵因素,充分發揮群聚效應,在未來全球蝴蝶蘭市場仍將具有不可忽視之競爭力。 台灣蝴蝶蘭產業是以出口為導向,母國市場規模及成長均有限,目前針對歐、美、日市場最迫切須加強的產業競爭力項目為建立標準化栽培技術、有效率的病毒檢測服務體系及歐美市場行銷通路;中長期目標則應建立蝴蝶蘭代表台灣之國際形象,且政府部門與業者、學研界現在就要思考規劃繼蝴蝶蘭之後下一個走向國際市場的優勢花卉產品,以使台灣花卉產業永續成長發展,逐漸成為東方的花卉王國。


Using Michael Porter’s Diamond Model to analyze the competitive advantage of Phalaenopsis industries between Taiwan and Holland, we find that both countries have obvious cluster effect but different contents of competitive advantage because of the entirely different geography and industrial environment. Geographic position is a key advantage to Holland, although it is a basic element only. Holland also has obvious advantages of market scale, purchasing power, efficiency of auction and logistic, brand strategy, automation, standard establishing and relative advantage of regulations, owner’s scale, product quality, standardized technical, consumer behavior, market segmentation, seedling quality, greenhouse technical, promotion activities, price transparency, healthy seeding. Taiwan has obvious advantages of climate environment, Asia market, quarantine of U.S.A. and relative advantages of germplasm, variety innovation, production cost, target export market, seedling cost, energy cost, government research service & investment. As a whole, Holland has a long history of floriculture and its cluster already existed and worked well. Therefore, though they got involved in Phalaenopsis later than Taiwan, they still have broad competitiveness, especially advantages of demand factor, relative supporting industry and business strategy, as well as structure and competitors. To survey Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis industry cluster, we can find it fit in with Porter’s principles of ”geography centralization “, “advanced export performance”, “technical strength and foreign investment performance”. If Taiwan can exercise key factors of Diamond Model well to develop cluster effect, it will have more powerful competitiveness in world’s Phalaenopsis market in the future. Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis industry is focused on exportation, while the market scale of its mother country is limited. For Europe, U.S.A. and Japan markets, the most important items to strengthen our competitiveness are establishing standard culture technical, efficient virus-test system and market channels in these territories. To build a fine international profile of Taiwan Phalaenopsis should be the mid-long target. Meanwhile, to innovate the next flower product to advance towards the international market should be considered seriously and formulated by government, academia and relative dealers now.


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