  • 學位論文


Adaptation to Culture of Foreign Brides from Vietnam in Keelung City

指導教授 : 陳秀熙


中文摘要 研究背景 外籍配偶對台灣而言可謂一種新興的社會現象,依據內政部統計資料顯示,台灣地區外籍配偶人數大概以每年1-2萬人的速度在增加,其中以越南籍為最多(70.48%)。而欲瞭解影響其移民生活適應之可能因素˙,因此本研究特針對基隆市越南籍新娘在台灣的生活適應狀況及其相關因素做一深入探討。 本研究主要目的如下: 一、探討越南籍新娘在台灣生活適應情況。 二、探討家庭因素對越南籍新娘生活適應情況影響。 三、探討社會因素對越南籍新娘生活適應情況影響。 四、根據上述各項結果,發展越南籍新娘生活適應預測模型。 材料與方法 本研究採用橫斷式調查研究設計,針對設籍基隆市越南籍新娘,透過基隆市社區闔家歡健康篩檢活動、外籍新娘座談會及家訪等方式,由經標準化訓練之訪員,利用使用中文及越南文版之結構性問卷收集生活適應(包括語言溝通、居住、飲食及交通四個面向)、社會人口學變項、家庭因素及家庭、支持社會因素的資料。並以簡單線性迴歸分析、羅吉斯迴歸及累積羅吉斯迴歸來探討社會人口學變項、家庭因素、家庭支持因素及社會支持因素對整體生活適應度及語言、居住、飲食及交通適應度之個別影響。 結果 本研究完成問卷之427位設籍基隆市越南籍新娘中,有任何一種適應不良比例者為6.09%,其中語言溝通、飲食、居住及交通面向適應不良的比例分別為1.90%、2.80%、1.40%及3.70%。適應良好者以居住面向最好,佔47%,而其他三個面向大致約為30%。 在控制外籍新娘社會人口學變項後,在語言適應方面,有意義變項包括教育程度、在台居住時間、同住親屬類型、家人傾聽等;在飲食適應方面,有意義變項包括日常生活使用語言、育養子女數目、在家是否常感到恐懼害怕、接受語言訓練時間等;在居住適應方面,有意義變項包括日常生活使用語言、家庭收入、家人是否暴力相向、接受語言訓練時間、就醫便利性等,最後在交通適應方面,有意義變項則包括家人是否支持拓展社交、在家是否常感到恐懼害怕以及接受語言訓練時間。 結論 本研究結果證明家庭資源、家庭支持及社會支持對於越南外籍新娘在基隆地區生活適應有顯著影響。 關鍵詞:越南籍新娘 生活適應


Abstract Background There is lacking of empirical evidence showing how Foreign Brides are adapted to or adopting culture after migration to Taiwan. Aims The objectives of this thesis are therefore to investigate the prevalence of being inadequately adapted to four dimensions of language, dietary habit, lifestyle, and transportation and to identify how and whether socio-demographic features, family resources and support, social support are associated with adaptation to culture. Methods A total of 427 foreign brides from Vietnam were enrolled from the target population with the total of 1116 Vietnam foreign brides were interviewed with closed-structure questionnaire including information on adaptation to culture and their correlates pertaining to family and social resources and support. Forward and backward translation for questionnaire was developed. Cumulative logit model was used to assess the incremental effect of family and social resources and support on adaptation to culture in four dimensions after controlling for socio-demographic features. . Results The prevalence rate of any ill-adapted condition among four dimensions was 6.09% with 1.90% for language, 2.80% for dietary habit, 1.40% for life style, and 3.70% for transportation. It takes approximately three years for adaptation to language, dietary habits, and life styles and six years for adaptation to transportation. After controlling for socio-demographic of foreign, good adaptation was noted for those who spoke Taiwanese, longer duration of residence in Taiwan, number of children, high family support such as all ears to hearing, fear of family atmosphere, language training, tendency of violence, and extension of social relationship, and social support like accessibility to medical care. Conclusions The present empirical study demonstrated that family resource and social support play an important role in adaptation to culture for foreign bridges from Vietnam.


Foreign Brides Adaptation


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