  • 學位論文


The Protection of Mother Tongue Educational Right in the Constitution from the Hakka Mother Rongue Movement

指導教授 : 陳新民


「母語受教權」其實與世界新興人權中的「文化權」、「語言權」有著相當密契的關連,惟此概念在我國憲法上僅有增修條文第10條第11款提到「積極維護發展原住民語言及文化」。然而以台灣現況來觀察卻發現,在法律面是制定不足,政策面保障也極缺乏;所以自從民主開放以來,特別是客家族群更是積極希望政府重視,並能在政策、法律、教育等方面落實。 其實這一切的發展緣由,可說與台灣歷史演進息息相關。本文第二章認為,由於台灣歷經百年「國語運動」的影響,造成閩南語、客語、原住民語不小的傷害,以致台灣各族群無法順利傳承自己族群的母語,而期望能依靠政策和教育的協助。終在80年代,政治民主化、台灣解嚴之際,社會運動崛起,各團體紛紛走上街頭發聲;終於客家人也在做「社會隱形人」多年後,亦開始走上街頭爭取自身族群的利益,提出「母語教育、客語在媒體發聲、刪除廣電法第20條對方言的限制」等主張。自此,「客家運動」主導了台灣客家發展的路線。 雖然該三大主張終於被政府逐步地實現了,但是針對母語傳承最重要的「教育」卻發生了在國中小客語「開課不佳」的現象,讓客家人非常擔憂客語的流失,頻頻要求希望能透過法律來保障。然而,在各方紛紛提出相關語言立法草案之際,筆者以為應該先回到基本面來討論。在制定法令之前,應先討論我國憲法有無針對母語受教權明訂保障規範?其次,現行母語教育所依據的法令是否有所缺失?乃本文第三章要討論的範圍。 第三章中,吾人肯認母語受教權即使不能明列憲法第21條「國民受教權」的保障範圍,也應該肯認為我國憲法第22條「其他自由權利」的保障規範內。再就母語教育的現行法令而言,吾人認為有規範不足、配套不全,甚至恐有違憲的問題,實有待相關單位重新檢討修正的必要。至於修正的方向,本文第四章介紹了「加拿大」與「新加坡」在憲法上關於語言權的規範,以及兩國值得我國學習的母語教育制度。 第五章呼應前文,認同母語受教權乃人類個體發展與族群認同建立的重要人權,有必要在憲法上受到保障,更應該以法制加以落實,惟需注意該權利與其他人權的扞格,以及國家行政資源分配的合理性。另外,針對現有的法令與教育制度仍有必要盡速修正檢討,可多參考新加兩國值得效法之處。最後,提出個人感想與建議。


In fact, the mother tongue educational right has a closing relationship with the culture right and the language right of the emerging human rights in the world, but there is only an item(§10(11)) in the amendment of the Republic of China Constitution “actively preserve and develop language and culture of the ethnic groups”. However, the author’s observation about the concept in Taiwan is that there is lacking in the laws and the policies. Therefore, since our country has became democratic, the Hakka race especially zealously hope the government to pay much attention to this kind of human right and to implement that in policy, law and education. Actuality, what be said above is very close to the development of Taiwan history. In the chapter two, the writer thinks the effect of the national language campaign about one century in Taiwan not only resulted in great hurt of the southern Fujian language, the hakka language, and the aboriginal language, but also caused the transmission rate of native language not well. For this reason, Taiwanese hope the transmission can rely on the policy and education. Then, in the 80’s, because of the political democratization, the end of martial law, and the appearance of social movements, all kinds of social groups give off their sound. Finally, after being a long time of social invisible men, the hakkaneses also fight for the mother tongue right and promote a view ” the mother tongue education, the chance to give off sound of hakka language, and to cancel the limit of the 20th item in the Broadcasting Act”. From now on, the hakka movement leads the direction of Taiwan hakka development. Although the government gradually put these three points into practice, the mother tongue education about hakka do not teach well in the elementary school and in the secondary school. Therefore, many hakka people so worry about the death of hakka language that they hope the government to set up a law to protect the mother tongue educational right. When many government departments bring up drafts, in actual, people should go back to the base to discuss if our constitution protects the mother tongue right, and if the current laws have some drawback of executing the mother tongue education. There is the main talking range in the chapter three. In the chapter three, I affirm that even if the mother tongue educational right could not put into the 21th item, it should be confirmed in the 22th item. On the other hand, the present laws have many problem and could be in violation of the Constitution, so the present laws really need to be amended. About the amendatory direction, .this chapter four not only introduce the standards about the language right of Canada and Singapore, but also introduce the good educational systems that are worth us to learn. Fifth chapter, it responds to what we said before. Because the mother tongue educational right has very important influence about human’s development and identification of their races, it should be protected in the constitution and be practicable in the laws. Nevertheless, it is also important to pay attention to the relationships with the protection of other human rights and the reasonable distribution of social resources. In addition, the existing laws need to be amended in hurry. Furthermore, the government could consult the examples of Canada and Singapore about their advantages. Finally, the thesis also gives some suggestions and the thoughts.




