  • 學位論文


Key Factors Related to Hospital User’s Acceptance toward RFID

指導教授 : 張睿詒


背景與目的: 在醫療產業導入RFID成為一趨勢的現在,RFID在醫療院所內的應用十分廣泛,許多研究都指出醫院導入RFID系統後的確可達成提升病人安全等無形或有形之效益。但部分使用RFID系統的醫療院所卻面臨到一些推動上的瓶頸,醫護人員的抗拒即是其中一大障礙。有鑑於使用者對於資訊科技的接受度,一直是資訊科技導入組織成敗的關鍵,對於推行RFID使用者的抗拒因素為何有必要去做更進一步的探討。因此本研究依據Venkatesh et al.(2003)所提出的科技接受與使用整合模型以及DeLone & McLean(2003)資訊系統成功模式為主要架構,探討急診室及手術室內實際使用(或曾使用)RFID系統之醫護人員,對RFID系統的接受度會受哪些關鍵因素影響。 研究方法: 本研究為橫斷式問卷調查研究,採立意取樣方式,以結構式問卷作為調查工具,經由專家問卷效度檢測後,修改可能造成填表者困惑的不適當問項後定稿。在徵詢已導入RFID於急診室及開刀房的醫院之意願後,對有意合作醫院內實際於急診室或開刀房裡操作過RFID系統之醫護人員進行調查,最後以1家公立區域教學醫院、1家財團法人醫學中心、3家財團法人教學醫院為個案醫院,並於97年7月03日至8月31日間進行收案,共蒐集128份有效樣本。 研究結果: 在控制了人員屬性變項的影響下,各自變項對於使用意向的解釋力R2達到0.816,代表整個模式對於使用意向可以解釋81.6%的變異。檢視四個獨立變項的標準化迴歸係數β發現皆為正值且達顯著水準,表示使用者對績效期望、社群影響、系統與資訊品質,及知覺容易與便利性四個自變項認知程度愈高者,愈願意使用RFID系統。其中以績效期望對使用行為意向的預測力最大(β=0.429),其次為系統與資訊品質(β=0.366)、社群影響(β=0.223)及知覺容易與便利性(β=0.171)。不同人口特質使用者對於各構面之認知與感受亦的確有所不同,本研究除使用者年齡以及病人安全認知對於自變項與RFID系統「使用意向」間關係的干擾效果不成立外,所有研究假說皆得到支持。 研究建議: 若想提升RFID系統使用者之使用意願,已導入RFID系統之個案醫院可考慮先從系統的系統與資訊品質改善著手,或許能最快看到效果;而對於欲導入RFID系統之醫院,可根據本研究使用意向預測力排序結果,決定系統設置時考量條件之優先次序。政府部門應推動醫院上游之藥品標籤整合以及各醫院間串聯之RFID系統建置計畫。對於後續研究者,建議可針對一即將導入RFID系統之醫院進行深入的個案研究。


Background and objectives: In Taiwan’s medical industry, many hospitals began to adopt RFID technology for enhancing patient safety. But there are some obstacles to the adoption of RFID in the hospital, some medical staff are resistant to use the RFID system. This study intends to use the “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology” (known as UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) as a foundation and combine the “information system success model ” developed by DeLone & McLean(2003) into a theoretic framework. The research model is validated by hospital staff, who have RFID system operation experience before, for knowing the key predicting factors related to hospital users’ behavior toward RFID system. Method: This is a cross-sectional study. A full-scale survey was conducted after the questionnaire was modified base on the feedback of expert validity examination. After looking for hospitals’ cooperation and permission, five hospitals agreed to join this study. The participants of this study include physicians and nurses of ER department and OR department. All samples came from convenient samples. There were 128 valid samples with collection period from July 3rd to August 22, year 2008. Result: There are 4 key components extracted: performance expectancy, perceive facilitate and ease of use, system and information quality, and social influence. These four independent variables together explain 81.6% (R square value) of the behavior intentions of using RFID. The research result indicated that performance expectancy (beta=0.429) has a higher influence than system and information quality (beta=0.366) on user’s intention to use RFID, followed by social influence (beta=0.223) and perceive facilitate and ease of use (beta=0.171). Except for two moderate effect hypotheses, all hypotheses are supported from the survey data. Suggestion: To encourage the willingness to use RFID system, for hospitals that have already adapted RFID system should start with information and system improvement; for the ones who wish to implement RFID, our study provides suggestions on effective prioritization amount different staffs. Government should give impetus for drug labeling integration and implementation of RFID system to consolidation among hospitals. Researchers in the field of RFID analysis should aim to have in depth study on newly launched case.


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