  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Crude Oil Price and Monetary Policy on Taiwan Economy: A Macro-Econometric Model Approach

指導教授 : 林建甫


本文目的為建構我國總體經濟計量模型,用以進行總體經濟情勢預測,並利用該模型進行情境分析。文中模擬了國際情勢變動對總體經濟的衝擊,如國際油價波動以及分析政府貨幣政策改變之影響效果。 模型的建立過程以時間序列的單一方程式作為起點,在經濟理論的基礎下,設定所有行為方程式及定義式,進而進行聯立方程式的求解。並以模型靜態測驗及樣本外配適情況來檢驗模型配適度,靜態測驗的樣本期間為1985 年第一季到2008年第三季,並預測2008年第四季至2011年第四季的國內經濟走勢。 情境分析分兩個部分,(1)原油價格漲跌的敏感性分析,分析結果可發現油價的起伏對國內經濟的影響依舊相當可觀。(2)貨幣政策:在央行考慮調降重貼現率的情況下,選擇逐次調整亦或一次調整的方案。如同目前央行所採取的作法,逐次調整對於總體經濟的正面影響較小,但對物價膨脹的效果相對也較低。 關鍵字:原油價格、敏感性分析、貨幣政策、總體計量模型


The purpose of this study is to build Taiwan’s macroeconometric modeling, and using the model to conduct scenario analysis. We generate the prediction of the economy from the third quarter in 2008 to the forth quarter in 2011. Moreover, we conduct the scenario analysis concerning the variation of international circumstances, such as the fluctuation of oil price per barrel as well as analyzing the impact of changes in monetary policy. Scenario analysis is divided into two parts (1)Crude oil price analysis: We can still find that oil price change still have considerable influence on the domestic economy.(2) Monetary policy: The central bank may lower the discount rate once and for all or adjust the discount rate successively. As in the current approach taken by the central bank, the positive impact of successive adjustment on the economy is smaller, but the effect of price inflation is relatively small.


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