  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of Recruiting Policy for the Military Service in the R.O.C.,1949-2009

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本文主要在探討政府遷台迄今,我國兵役政策的歷史脈絡及政經結構發展,瞭解在各個階段主要行為者因稟賦不同,對兵役政策形塑的偏差動員與政策形成後推動的正當性;各個階段國家機關與民間社會不同的控制與主導關係,對兵役政策的形成,產生不同的過程與發展。 威權時期,國家機關以強制權力控制與支配國家社會,兵役政策以「徵兵制為主」,在「中美斷交」產生關鍵性的轉變,失去了美軍的軍事奧援,但國家也在經濟困境中有所突破,建立自身的兵役基礎,此為後續政策變化投注了相當變數;到威權轉型時期,美、蘇冷戰對峙局勢的瓦解,全球經濟的整合,國內威權政治體制解構,民間力量的興勃,造成國家機關控制與支配能力鬆動。在此劇烈的環境變革下,兵役政策在全球「軍事事務革新」的風潮帶領下,政府施以國軍兵力結構調整及組織員額的整併,厲行各項革新工作,衍然產生了質的改變;而民主鞏固時期,隨著兩岸經貿關係的日益深化,兩岸間國防處於「無立即戰爭威脅」的態勢,民間社會力量凌駕於國家機關,使國軍在民意及人口結構改變趨使下,走向國防轉型、組織精簡,及役期不斷縮短等改革,兵伇政策精進轉型,逐漸朝向世界趨勢「募兵制」的目標發展。 兵役政策屬國防建設的一環,在不同行為者間所擁有的稟賦不同,對資源分配的汲取或運用,於偏差動員過程中,形塑成「募兵制」政策;其須隨時尋求客觀形勢與主觀因素的變化,順應全球化的潮流與人民意願的特性,以切合國防建軍的需求,為國軍現代化挹注一股新的動能。


In this thesis, the author tried to survey the history of policies for military service relative to the development of political economy from 1949 to 2009, and investigate the mobilizations of bias derived from military service policies, the legitimacy of legislation for military service by different rulers’ strategy of governance, the varied developments and results of the formation of policies for military service relative to the transformations in control and dominance between the state authorities and civil society. During the era of authoritarian governance, the government dominated the civil society. The military service was a draft-based system. After the Sino-US diplomatic relations breaking off, the policy for military service was transferred crucially. Meanwhile, the U.S. discontinued the military support, however, the government still achieved an economic breakthrough in the dilemma to develop its own military policy and derive the follow-up transformations from possible conversions. To the period of R.O.C.’s democratic transition, due to the termination of Cold War, the integration of global economy, reconstruction of governance, and the development of public opinions led to the state releasing the dominance and control. The government began to restructure the armed forces, reduce the strength, and innovate the military system under the global trend of “revolution in military affairs” to result in the qualitative transition; while the period of democratic consolidation, with the deepening of cross-strait economic and trade relations in a "none of immediate threat of war" situation, as well as the dominance on the state from civil society. The government began to perform the defense transformation, downsized the strength of armed forces and shortened the period of military service toward public opinions and change in population structure. The renovated policy can be developed towards the goal of the development of world trends in enlistment. Military service policies are a part of national defense construction, the implementation of voluntary service should seek the objective and subjective factors to conform to the trend of globalization, the people’s identities and wills, as well as the requirements of national defense. Moreover, the military policy can be developed by the resources through mobilization of bias on policy under the rulers’ endowments, so that the government can modernize the armed forces with the whole new energy.




