  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Founding and Development of Taiwan's National Youth Commission , 1963-2010

指導教授 : 蕭全政


1963-2010年,青輔會從提議設立到決定拆解,完成了其生與滅。這四十多年間青輔會相關之青年輔導政策,經歷威權時期、威權轉型以及民主鞏固等不同時期的政經變遷,其業務內容也隨之因應調整,本文以青輔會為單位,除回顧青輔會籌設成立初期的政經背景外,亦蒐集整理1966年至2010年間青輔會輔導青年之政策作為,以分析研究政府組織在面對內外政經環境變遷時,施政作為如何調整因應,並產生何種結果。 隨著不同時期政經環境之變遷,青輔會相關青年輔導業務內容也隨之因應調整,從成立初期著重的青年就業輔導措施,陸續增加青年創業輔導、海外青年服務、青年志願服務、青年政策參與、青年旅遊學習等服務;而青輔會主委人事之更迭,也反映出台灣不同政經發展時期之特色。透過青輔會可以看出威權體制、威權轉型、民主鞏固等不同時期下,國內外政經情勢變遷對政策作為之影響,也可發現主政者不同的施政理念對於業務內容所產生的變革與成果。台灣如今已邁入民主鞏固時期,未來可能出現因定期選舉所涉及的政權更迭,而有公共部門的組織與制度之調整變遷,青輔會四十餘年的發展變革正可以作為參考。


Taiwan's National Youth Commission (NYC) established in 1963, conclude its history and to be disassembled after 2010. Over four decades, NYC conduct this country's youth policy, which altered from time to time for the changing of political economic environment of the society, reflects the transitional role of the state from authoritarian to democracy This thesis not only review the political and economic background during NYC's establishment, but also collect and organize information in its youth policies and implementation between 1966 and 2000 in order to analyze the result of how government organization coped with the changes of political and economic environment both domestically and internationally. Despite its various policy emphases reflecting the ever-changing needs of the state during Taiwan's political economic transition, the major policy target of NYC for decades is to maintain the youth's employment, make sure those young labor forces can be fully utilized according the demand of the economy, so as to keep continuing development and political stabilization of the society. Besides that, as time goes by, NYC's policy domains also gradually expand to the funding of youth entrepreneur, offer services to youth abroad and overseas compatriot youth, support volunteering services, assist youth engaging in policy making and implementation, learn by travelling, etc. The changes of ministers of NYC reflected characteristics of different periods of the development of Taiwan. By reviewing development of NYC, it will be found that in different periods the direction of policy making and achievements were affected by the changes of domestic and international environments as well as by different concepts of governance of different ministers. Taiwan has stepped into period of democratic consolidation, government’s re-organisation and adjustment might be affected by routine elections and different ruling parties. By reviewing history of NYC could be a reference to possible changes.




章廉(2015)。臺灣政治性營隊對青年政治認同與參與的影響 ——以2008年後四個臺灣政治性營隊為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11244
