  • 學位論文


Experiences of the retired senior managers' returning to the workforce

指導教授 : 楊培珊


中文摘要 本研究的目的在於瞭解中高階經理人退休後選擇再就業的動機,探究年齡對其再就業造成那些限制,進而整理分析中高階經理人對再就業的工作內容與條件之期待,最後再歸納出再就業之經驗對中高階經理人整體生活影響。因而提出以下五個研究問題:一、中高階經理人在退休後選擇再就業的動機為何?二、退休後如何重回到工作職場;三、再就業的過程中面臨到那些困境,希望得到什麼樣的協助?四、對就業環境有何期待?五、再就業後對其的身、心、靈有何影響? 本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法,訪談六位再就業的中高階經理人,其中一位受訪者個人主觀上不認為自己再就業,因此該受訪者的訪談內容不納入研究發現之中,最後研究針對五位受訪者資料來進行分析。 研究者透過深度訪談融入研究對象的自然情境中,對其的個人經驗和意義建構作解釋。主要的研究發現如下: 一、退休後要學習適應退休的生活; 二、退休後能順利的重回職場再就業,主要是靠過去工作上的人脈,用傳統投履歷的方式無法找到再就業的機會; 三、退休時才55歲左右,體力和精神都還很好,因此想要透過工作把過去的經驗傳承給年輕一代,為社會盡一份心力,同時也為自己尋找生命的意義; 四、是否能夠順利的再就業個人的部分一定要做到放下過去的光環,認清此時此刻,帶著實現自我的心靈、薪火相傳的態度,才能迎來豐富的銀髮生活。外在工作環境的部分因雇主對年齡的迷思、沒有適當的就業管道等影響是否能順利再就業; 五、再就業後每天的生活有了目標,日子過得不再沮喪。由於每天都可以做自己擅長又有興趣的事,工作做得輕鬆快樂又得心應手。也有了一點收入,雖然不多,但足於應付日常生活開銷。再就業可以用個人的專業,來回饋社會、對社會有所貢獻。另一方面工作時間彈性,可依個人的體力來安排工作行程,得到雇主的尊重,有被需要的感覺,這些讓中高階經理人的內心得到滿足,覺得對得起自己,日子也過得舒暢,也比較睡得著覺。 總體而言,再就業對退休中高階經理人的身、心、靈都有益處,透過傳承過去豐富的經驗,來為社會服務、對社會有所貢獻。 關鍵字 : 退休中高階經理人,再就業,適應退休生活。


Abstract This purpose of the research is to understand the motivation of the retired senior managers to choose re-employment, and explore the restrictions on their re-employment caused by age. It further sorts and analyzes their expectation on the work content and condition of re-employment, and finally concludes that the influence of re-employment experience on their overall life. Therefore, the following five research questions are proposed: 1. what’s the motivation of the retired senior managers to choose re-employment? 2. How can they go back to the workplace after retirement? 3. What kind of support they wish to get when facing the difficulties during the re-employment process? 4. What kind of expectations do they have towards the working environment? 5. What’s the influence of re-employment on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects? This research adopts the in-depth interview of qualitative research to interview 6 re-employed senior managers, among whom one respondent doesn’t think he is under re-employment, so his interview content is excluded from the research findings. Finally, the research conducts analysis on the data obtained from the rest five respondents. The researcher goes into the natural scenario of the research subjects through in-depth interview, so as to explain their personal experience and significance construction. The major research findings are as follows: 1. After retirement, they have to learn how to adapt retirement life; 2. The smooth re-employment in the workplace after retirement mainly depends on the contacts in the past work. They can’t find the re-employment opportunity by traditional way of resume application. 3. The retirement age is about 55 years old with good physical status and energy; they want to pass down the previous experience to the young generation by work so as to make contributions to the society, and to find the meaningful life for them. 4. When it comes to whether they could be re-employed smoothly, one must put down the glory in the past; and one should realize the current moment with the attitude of self-actualization and passing down experiences, so as to embrace the rich elderly life. Moreover, for the external working environment, age requirement of the employers, and no appropriate employment way, these factors influence whether one could be re-employed smoothly. 5. After re-employment, the individuals have goals in everyday life, so they don’t feel depressed any more. Since they could do what they are good at and interested at every day, they can manage the work easily and happily. Moreover, they have some incomes, though in small amount, but could afford the daily expense. Re-employment could reciprocate the society and make contributions to the society by one’s expertise. On the other hand, the working time is flexible; they could arrange the working schedule according to their energy. They are respected by the employers, and can feel needed by someone. All these make the senior managers gain satisfaction, and have a happy life and sleep well. According to the research finding, re-employment can benefit the retired senior managers physically, mentally and spiritually. By passing down their rich experiences to the young generation, they could serve and make contributions to the society. Keywords: retired senior managers, re-employment, adapt retirement.






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