  • 學位論文


Political Economy of the Textbook Privatization Policy for Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 施世駿


自1989年國中小教科書逐步開放審定本以來,隨著教科書市場開放的幅度不斷擴大,教科書私有化所引致的擔憂與質疑,也在開放過程如影隨形。 本文試圖跳脫僅從教育層次及教科書供應面理解教科書私有化改革爭議,因此首先採取政治經濟學視角,探究臺灣教科書私有化政策形成的政治過程;其次,藉由福利混合經濟(MEW)超越公私二元的觀點,於供應、財政與管制三維面向,描繪出教科書市場於各改革階段的混合形式,並分析特定的市場混合形式衍生何種爭議,及其對教科書政策制定帶來的影響。 臺灣教科書市場混合形式的轉變路徑顯示,市場的確逐步取代國家角色,主導教科書供應面;國家則是轉型為管理者,在管制上逐步擴大影響。教科書私有化改革是對國家與市場界限的重新劃定,每次的界限重劃皆由政治過程而來,故私有化路線向來非全民共識。加上市場邏輯滲入原本應以福利為本質的教科書領域,在教科書價格提高,以及不當行銷等負面影響下,使得教科書私有化政策爭議有增無減。而政府對教科書市場架構規劃的消極與短視,更是造成教科書市場開放後衍生爭議不斷的關鍵因素。 臺灣教科書市場自1989年逐步開放至今,已沉澱出大致的輪廓,統編本亦難再有立足之地。然而,教科書市場未來仍需面臨因漸趨寡佔,以致失去多元面貌,甚至是市場難以為繼的挑戰。 本文納入供應、財政與管制三面向,擴增對臺灣教科書私有化意涵的理解,為未來分析臺灣教育私有化政策,提供不同於僅從供應面解釋的思考方向。


In 1989, as the Taiwan Government progressively relaxed its regulation on the approved version of textbooks for the elementary and junior high school, the scale of the textbook market in Taiwan has expanded as a result. The privatization of the textbook market also brings worries and questions until nowadays. The study aims to discover the issue of textbook privatization beyond the perspectives of educational sphere and the textbook provision. First, adopting the “Political economy” perspective, the study discovers how the policy of Taiwan’s textbook privatization formed in the political processes. And then with the “Mixed Economy of Welfare” perspective that goes beyond the public/private dichotomy, the study further presents the mixed form of the textbook reform in a three-dimensional framework of provision, finance and regulation. Lastly, the study analyzes the controversies arising from particular mixed textbook markets and its influence on the making of textbook policies. The transformation of the mixed textbook market in Taiwan shows that the role of market indeed gradually replaces the role of the government, and becomes the dominant power in the textbook provision. The government, however, was transformed to serve as a managerial role, and enhanced its regulatory power step by step. The textbook privatization reform is built upon collective political processes in reshaping the boundaries between the government and market, as a result, such a reform was never the product of public consensus. In addition, the provision of textbooks, which ought to be part of the social welfare, was penetrated by the market mechanism. In light with the high textbook price and inappropriate textbook marketing, the textbook privatization policies become even more controversial. While the government’s passiveness and shortsightedness on designing the textbook market framework is one of the most crucial factors that caused controversies following the opening of the textbook market. Since the opening of Taiwan’s textbook market in 1989, it is obvious that the unified version of textbooks was history, while the oligopoly that causes the loss of textbook diversity will become a major challenge faced in the future textbook market. The study presents three-dimensional framework of provision, finance and regulation to clarify the meaning behind Taiwan’s textbook privatization, and provides a new perspective, besides the dimension of provision, for future researchers to analyze the privatization of Taiwan’s education policies.


