  • 學位論文


A Study on the Key Factors, Productivity and Cost Analysis of Exposed Concrete Construction

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


本研究旨在探討清水混凝土建築施工的關鍵因素、成本、工期,並輔以營建工程與實務管理的觀點,研究包括:1.定性探討施工關鍵因素、2.定量分析施工成本與施工工期、3.比較不同模板材與不同工程規模的相關性探討;透過民間施工廠商的實地調查,研究蒐集共計11件清水混凝土建築的新建工程案例,透過案例統計分析、專家訪談、施工技術與國內外文獻回顧的研究方式,針對清水混凝土建築之施工成本與施工工率進行完整的單價分析與工率分析外,並將研究案例實際施工的前後進行比對,本研究建構一清水混凝土建築的施工管理應用機制,成果可供為施工廠商與工程專責單位的參考依據,以及未來提供清水混凝土建築工程規劃與營建施工的資訊,並能有效全面提升國內清水混凝土建築的施工品質。 綜上所述,本研究以工程管理與實務應用的觀點,研究內容主要包括: 1) 施工整合計畫與施工關鍵技術,包括:1.全面的整合規劃、2.機電系統之整合、3.不透水模板材之組成、4.施工現場精準組立技術、5.品質穩定之高性能混凝土、6.緊密周詳之施工澆灌計畫,等6項。 2) 計算分析11件清水混凝土建築的施工工率與施工成本,研究結果顯示:1.以不分類模板材類型的方式,平均施工工率為3.0 m2/人日,而平均施工成本為3,082 元/ m2。2.以分類模板材類型的方式,以施工工率來排序,以黃板3.4 m2/人日最高,其次為芬蘭板2.8 m2/人日,最後為菲林板2.5 m2/人日;以施工成本來排序,以黃板3,362元/ m2最高,其次為芬蘭板2,975 元/ m2,而菲林板則為2,600 元/ m2。


This study explored the key factors, cost, and duration of exposed concrete building construction, from the perspectives of the construction projects and practical management, comprising: 1. Qualitative exploration of key factors in construction, 2. Quantitative analysis of construction cost and duration, 3. Comparison of different formwork materials and concrete workability. By surveying civil construction vendors, this study collected 11 newly built projects of exposed concrete buildings. By modeling achievements of statistical analysis, expert interviews, construction technique verifications, and literature review, this study was conducted through analysis of unit price and constructive efficiency based on construction cost and efficiency within various project scales, thus making a comparison before and after the construction. This study established a construction management system and application mechanism for exposed concrete buildings. The results can be a reference for construction vendors and project-responsible units, and further can provide information for the construction planning of future exposed concrete building project, thus effectively stimulate the raise of construction quality from all aspects. From the perspectives of project administrative management and practical applications, the research includes: 1) Construction integration plans and key factors in construction: 1. A comprehensive integration plan; 2. An integration of electromechanical system; 3. The composition of impermeable formwork materials; 4. The precise formwork techniques at construction site; 5. High performance concrete with consistent quality; 6. A sophisticated concrete pouring plan. 2) Calculation and analysis of the construction efficiency and cost of 11 exposed-concrete buildings: The results indicate: 1. With no classification on formwork materials, the average construction efficiency is 3.0 m2/M.D, and the average construction cost is 3,082 NTD/m2; 2. Based on classification of formwork materials, no matter on calculation of construction efficiency or construction cost the Yellow panel receives the highest ranking, where the Finnish panel is in the middle, and the film-faced panel is the lowest (construction efficiency: 3.4 m2/M.D vs. 2.8 m2/M.D vs. 2.5 m2/M.D; construction cost: 3,362 NTD/m2 vs. 2,975 NTD/m2 vs. 2,600 NTD/m2).


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