  • 學位論文


Dubbing in Taiwan: Evolution and Predicament

指導教授 : 林麗雲 徐梅屏


自電影從無聲進入有聲後,聲音成為螢幕畫面的延伸,聲音被稱為是「第五度空間」,其重要性之於影視作品毋庸置疑。配音,屬於聲音後製的一環,目的是為了完善作品,起到加分的作用。 然而,現今臺灣多數的配音作品卻是飽受批評,關於卡通、韓劇的配音,「怎麼都是那幾個聲音?為什麼要配音?」是網路上關於配音的常見評論。這個狀況由來已久卻始終未見改善,「配音」的議題在臺灣甚少受到報章雜誌的關注,觀眾的抱怨、批評不過是在網路匿名世界與親朋好友言談間的情緒抒發。 本篇報導以「重視聲音的重要性」為核心關懷,透過訪談與田野調查試圖呈現臺灣影視配音的演進與現況,並輔以數據資料來分析當前所面臨的困境。現今大部分的配音工作模式有如「聲音工廠」般大量、低價、單一、罐頭化,人聲中的情感、個性、差異、特殊性在作品中難以呈現。這樣的現象,成因來自臺灣先天的市場規模、過多的頻道分食有限的廣告資源,加以收視率無法適當反應節目品質。 要改變現況,有人持續在配音的品質上做努力默默更耘,相信好的作品終能吸引觀眾,拓展收視族群,甚至讓「臺灣聲音」走出臺灣;有人則將希望放在原創作品的開發上,認為發展原創配音才能改變配音不受重視、市場惡性循環的現狀。同時,懂得欣賞好作品的觀眾也是改變現況必不可少的,觀眾也要學習「如何聽」,將批評化作實際行動,表達追求良好聲音品質的訴求。


聲音 聲音表演 配音 配音員 影視配音


Seeing a movie has become not only a visual experience but also an audio one, after the development of sound film. There is a saying that a meaningful sound track is often as complicated as the image on the screen. Dubbing, one important stage in the post-production process can amplify the impact of visual expressions. However, most of the dubbed animes as well as dubbed dramas in Taiwan have long been criticized for the lack of emotional expressions and voice diversities. Those criticisms about dubbing can be easily found on the internet but are largely ignored by the mass media and the related units. The report focuses on the past, present, and the future of Taiwanese dubbing industry. By conducting field research and in-depth interviews, this report attempts to present the development of dubbing in Taiwan’s audio-visual industry and to discover why dubbing seems to downgrade the audio-visual products rather than amplify their effect. According to this report, voice dubbers in Taiwan are like operators in assembly lines. The result is the disappearing of personality and characteristic. This situation is caused by shortage of funding, the limited market size and biased rating research. To change the present predicament, some dubbers commit themselves to providing high-quality global-localization dubbing services; others put their efforts to develop original audio-visual products. In addition, the power of audience should not be neglected. Strong demands for better dubbings may be the start of change.


Voice Voice Acting Dubbing Voice Dubber Audio Video Dubbing


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