  • 學位論文


User requirements analysis for smart rehabilitation wards

指導教授 : 陳鴻基




Information communication technology has been incorporated into healthcare services for years. As the technology evolves, internet of things introduces new opportunities for constructing smart hospitals. It is important to explore the users’ requirement during early stage of development. Along with the growing numbers of disabilities and elderly, the need for rehabilitation and long-term care rises. The current research focused on the rehabilitation wards because of the possibilities of extension of the designs from hospitals to communities as the basis of telerehabilitation. We used service blueprinting, in-depth interviewing and Analytic Hierarchy Process to explore the users’ requirement of smart hospitals from the prospective of clinical workers in rehabilitation wards of a medical center. As the results, we 1) completed a service blueprinting for in-patient rehabilitation; 2) explored the unmet needs during clinical works by in-depth interviewing senior workers; 3) summarized the requirement domains during clinical works; 4) ranked the requirement domains by Analytic Hierarchy Process. Our results also showed the highest ranked requirements as clinical alerts and evaluation/recording. The different rankings of requirements among workers of different professions reflected the need of accommodation and customarization. The above findings would provide useful insights into clinical workers’ requirements for future system designs.


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