  • 學位論文


Cultural Shock of Short-Term Oversea Volunteer Leaders and the Institutional Responses in ELIV International Service

指導教授 : 陳怡伃


本研究採質性的探索性個案研究,目的在探究短期海外志願服務領隊的文化衝擊和因應經驗,與協助志工因應文化衝擊經驗的作法,並了解服務辦理機構對此提供的制度性協助。文化衝擊意指一人失去既有文化環境的熟悉感,並在面對新文化環境的挑戰時,個人所經驗到的負面生理與心理感受,並對個人在與文化互動上造成困難。本研究採深度訪談,邀請4位柬埔寨與緬甸計畫領隊、2位計畫負責人、1位計畫總監參與本研究,在搭配次級資料蒐集與分析後提出研究結論如下: 一、領隊在服務帶領過程裡,會於工作、互動與一般生活層面遭遇文化衝擊。受到個人正向特質與跨文化經驗影響,領隊能採整合型方式達到跨文化適應,以立也設計以跨文化能力為基礎的訓練課程與活動,並在行程中與服務當地人民共同給予領隊及時協助,領隊能藉此調適衝擊帶來的生心理和社會互動影響,進而建立跨文化能力。 二、志工在服務過程裡,同樣於工作、互動與生活層面遭遇文化衝擊。雖志工能具備良好態度與個人特質,能採觀察與行為模仿來適應服務當地,然而在因應與服務當地間的文化差異上,仍需領隊與以立提供的幫助,包括以態度與知識學習為主的跨文化訓練、行程中及時問題協助、由領隊帶領的服務經驗反思學習。透過這些策略,志工能從中建立跨文化能力,進而適應新的文化環境。 三、服務計畫設計,例如行程中的工作安排、跨文化接觸程度、以及服務國家本身的特點,會降低個人與服務國家間的文化差異感,也減輕文化衝擊對個人造成負面影響的可能性。 四、除了國家間的文化差異所帶來的衝擊,領隊與副領隊、職員、志工之間的文化差異也會影響其帶領職責,需要以立的情緒與知識面的制度性協助。 五、以立既有制度性已為文化衝擊作了相當準備,受訪的領隊認為還能加強跨文化知識的訓練,與以立當中的Sharing時間帶領,協助志工進行反思學習的技能等。 而根據研究結論與領隊回饋,研究者提出未來實務與研究建議如下:首先,海外志願服務辦理機構應意識到領隊的關鍵角色,採互動式的授課型與經驗型作法,為領隊設計跨文化訓練的課程與活動,並系統性整理服務經驗的反思學習帶領技巧;另外在社會工作領域和人群服務組織,也應為社會工作者建立以文化能力要素為基礎的跨文化訓練,並協助工作者對其服務經驗進行反思學習,以建立跨文化能力來有效與多元文化案主互動。 另外在未來研究方向上,未來在以文化衝擊進行研究時,需注意詞彙可能存在的負面意涵;未來在以單一機構為個案研究時,也能以不同機構形式、服務類型和團體為研究個案,例如以長期海外志願服務為例,探討負責督導長期海外志工之工作者的服務經驗內涵。


This case study is about ELIV International Service, an agency of overseas volunteer. It explores culture shock and coping experience of short-term oversea volunteer leaders. Culture shock refers to the negative influence on a person’s biological and psychological aspect when one’s losing familiar culture factors and facing challenges from the new cultural environment. It might cause difficulties for a person to interact with the new culture effectively. The research questions include coping strategies of the leaders to help themselves and volunteers deal with their culture shock experiences, and the institutional mechanisms in preparation to respond to the cultural adaptation of leaders and volunteers. This research interviewed 4 volunteer leaders, 2 project managers and 1 project director from Cambodia and Myanmar project. With interview materials and secondary data about the agency, the research found out that: 1. Leaders experience cultural shock with respect to work, interaction and general life facets when leading volunteer groups. Most leaders have positive personalities and rich cross-cultural experience, therefore they are able to integrate strategies to overcome the culture shock. In addition, ELIV develops training related to cross-cultural competence, and provides immediate support systems to help leaders to deal with the cultural shock effect on their biological, psychological and social aspect in trip. 2. Volunteers experience culture shock in work, interaction and general life facets. In general, the volunteers owns positive attitude and personality that lead them to observation and behavior imitation to deal with cultural shock. The supports from ELIV and group leaders are necessary to help the volunteers adapting to the cultural differences. These supports include cross-cultural training courses that develop healthy attitude and adequate knowledge about host country, immediate supports from the group leaders and ELIV agents during the trip, and reflective learning of their volunteer experience led by leaders. By using these strategies, ELIV and leaders can help volunteers establish cross-cultural competence and adapt to the new culture environment. 3. Projects that are carefully designed may prevent a lot of culture shock of the group leaders and volunteers. For example, the schedule has considered a decent degree of cross-cultural contact. The host country, community served, and local agencies are culturally close to Taiwan. Therefore, the negative effects culture shock are dramatically buffered or prevented. 4. In addition to the cultural shock experience brought by cultural difference between countries, cultural factors at micro and meso levels among volunteers, leaders and ELIV agents are influential. This type of cultural shock also requires help and support from ELIV, such as emotional and leading knowledge supports. 5. Leaders would like to learn more cross-cultural knowledge and practice skills of sharing, a way of guiding volunteers to achieve reflective learning with the institutional response of ELIV. Based on the finding, the study has two suggestion. First, oversea volunteer organizations should recognize the key role of leaders in a service project. They should design cross-cultural training courses and activities for leaders by using lecture, interactive and experiential methods. Organizations should also systematically collect techniques of guiding volunteers’ reflective learning. Respectively, the social work profession and human service organizations should also establish cross-cultural training and integrates the reflective learning techniques, so that the workers can effectively interact with clients with multi-cultural background. Second, following research should care about the negative meaning of “cultural shock” for the people involved. Other than case studies of certain organization or host countries, researchers can target at different forms of organizations, services, and groups such as the directors or tutors of long-term oversea volunteers.


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