  • 學位論文


A study of “Duchess Wǔ of Zhèng Admonish the Heir” in Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in Tsing Hua University, Vol.6.

指導教授 : 林宏佳
共同指導教授 : 林素清(Su-Ching Lin)


本論文研究清華六所公布的出土戰國文獻〈鄭武夫人規孺子〉,這篇文獻為由戰國晚期楚人所書寫的鄭國史料,原無篇題,篇題乃整理者所擬。簡文記載莊公即位初年,武夫人與大臣對莊公是否應當執政的爭論。 本文第一章為對清華簡及〈鄭武夫人規孺子〉的介紹,並回顧前人研究成果,以及說明本文對簡文編次復原、考釋文字、文義解讀的原則及方法。 第二章則依據竹書的物質性質展開討論。先依據碳-14與飽水率考辨清華簡為真。其次則歸納戰國文書簡的簡長數據,指出戰國竹書尺度相當於戰國尺一尺半、二尺、與二尺半,有些竹書的簡長和尊卑關係有聯繫,並說明其對〈鄭武夫人規孺子〉的意義。最後則探討簡背劃線的成因,與使用簡背劃線復原簡序的限制,並指出據簡背劃痕不連貫,可能需要調整簡序。 第三章依據簡背劃線與文義脈絡,本文調整簡9至簡13、簡14之間,簡14、簡15間沒有缺簡。 第四章考釋簡文,除檢討前人對簡文的說解外,尚以己意調整斷讀,釋讀簡文,並且將其語譯為白話。 第五章則針對本篇簡文所涉及的委婉語進行分析,探究其使用原因。一方面是考量說話者與聽者間的關係,地位低者或是欲表示親好會採用委婉語。另一方面是從溝通的內容來看,禁忌語、與說話者或聽話者相關的人事物、要求、拒絕、批評等話題因帶給聽者負面感受,所以也會使用委婉語。


This thesis examines the text which is published in Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in Tsing Hua University, Vol.6(清華大學藏戰國楚竹書[陸])and named “Duchess Wǔ of Zhèng Admonish the Heir” (鄭武夫人規孺子)by collators. This text are scribed by Chǔ(楚) people in Late Warring States, describe the history of Zhèng. This text records the debate whether Duke Zhuāng of Zhèng be in charge of government affairs. In chapter one, I introduce the content of Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in Tsing Hua University and “Duchess Wǔ of Zhèng Admonish the Heir” first. Then I review previous research. At last, I explain the principles and methods of reconstructing manuscript roll, recognition unknown word, and interpretation of meaning. In chapter two, base on the method of radiocarbon dating and moisture content of bamboo, I examine the authenticity based on bamboo slips. Then I induction the length of bamboo slips, indicate most of bamboo slips are 1.5 feet、2 feet and 2.5 feet in Warring States. The relationship between length and reverence can be found in some cases. According to above-mentioned study, I explain the meaning of this text. Finally, I explain the causes that produce “Verso lines”, which are scratched on the backside of bamboo slips. The verso lines can reconstruct manuscript roll in specific situations. This text have a discontinuous verso lines, that imply collators may reconstruct manuscript roll in wrong way. In chapter three, according to verso lines and context, I move the 9th bamboo slip to the please between the 13th bamboo slip and 14th bamboo slip. And claim that have no missing bamboo slip between the 14th bamboo slip and 15th bamboo slip. In chapter four, I collect scholars’ interpretations for these text and provide explanations of words those are illegible and hard to identify, and afterwards translate them into vernacular. In chapter five, I analysis the euphemism in this text. Examining the causes of euphemism. When speaker’s status lower than the listener or they want to show goodwill, that inclined they to use euphemism. Some talking theme like taboo, personal relevant thing, mandate, refusing and criticism can make listener unpleasant, that inclined they to use euphemism too.


壹、 傳統文獻:
[西漢]毛亨傳,[東漢]鄭玄箋,[唐]孔穎達等正義:《毛詩注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1965 年,景印嘉慶20年江西南昌府學阮元《重栞宋本十三經注疏》本。


