  • 學位論文


A Study on the Tourist Preferences for Exhibition of Liouduai Hakka Cultural Park

指導教授 : 盧惠敏


由於政策的推動、保存及推廣客家文化使得客家文化設施大量興起,六堆客家文化園區於2007年開始試營運至今,這是一個將客家文化傳遞給觀眾的平台。但是如何確保所呈現出來的客家文化是社會大眾所接受且能讓大眾有所收穫乃是六堆客家文化園區必須正視的重要課題。 本研究主要以六堆客家文化園區為基地,透過問卷調查瞭解遊客對於客家文化展示內容的重要程度及其適合之展示手法,總計回收有效問卷384份,以SPSS統計軟體分析後,探索遊客對於客家文化展示是否因屬性不同而有差異,且透過分析建立遊客對於客家文化展示之指標,並以此指標檢視六堆客家文化園區目前展示現況。 經由研究實證發現,遊客會因為屬性不同對於客家文化重視面向而不同,也會因為不同屬性對於展示所適用的展示手法而有不同看法。其次,遊客對於客家文化展示重要程度依序為:客家工藝(4.25)、客家源流(4.22)、客家飲食(4.17)、移墾開發的過程(4.14)、客家歲時節慶(4.14)、客家聚落(4.04)、客家文學(4.01)、客家諺語(4.01)、宗教建築(4.00)以及夥房(4.00);再者,六堆客家文化園區目前展示與指標之間落差為客家飲食、客家歲時節慶、客家文學、客家諺語。本研究依據實證結果與研究目的,筆者提出以下建議,首先,針對現有展示部分加強其特色,另外針對未來展示增加遊客偏好考量,最後,加強展示與六堆地區的連結,是以,讓遊客透過六堆客家文化園區對六堆客家文化產生興趣,進而帶動六堆地區的發展。


Liouduai Hakka Cultural Park established in 2007, because of policy impetus to preserve and promote Hakka culture and many Hakkas cultural facilities emerge massively. But Liouduai Hakka Cultural Park must face the challenge that how to guarantee people can accept and have some harvest what it presents. This research mainly uses Liouduai Hakka Cultural Park an example to understand tourists opinions regarding the important degrees on exhibition contents and the types of exhibitions through questionnaires. The effective questionnaires are 384. Appling SPSS statistics software analysis, I explore the tourist cognition about exhibitions regarding the way of demonstrating Hakka culture to see whether there are differences between different tourists attributes. Also through the result, it can construct certain indicators about the way of demonstrating Hakka culture to inspect Liouduai Hakka Cultural Park. The results show that there are differences on different aspects what the tourists think important and also have different opinions on different types of exhibitions. Besides, the important degree of tourist opinions on the Hakka culture exhibitions in order is: Hakka craft (4.25), The Hakka source and course (4.22), the Hakka diet (4.17), relocates people to reclaim wasteland the development the process (4.14), the Hakka year old season celebrates (4.14), the Hakka settlement (4.04), the Hakka literature (4.01), the Hakka proverb (4.01), the religion constructs (4.00) as well as the kitchen (4.00). Furthermore, the difference between what Liouduai Hakka Cultural Park exhibitions at present and the indicators of inspections are Hakka food, Hakka annual year seasoning celebrates, Hakka literature, Hakka proverb. According to the result of the research, I suggest to strengthen its characteristic of its exhibitions in terms of tourists’ preferences. Furthermore, it should enhance certain exhibitions on the link with local Hakka villages to motivate tourist’s interests to experience surrounding villages and help to improve local development.


