  • 學位論文


Study on the cultivation of Hericium erinaceus ( Bull. ex Fr. ) Pers. for promoting mushroom yield

指導教授 : 梁文進


摘 要 學號:M9415002 總頁數: 129 頁 論文名稱:增進猴頭菇產量栽培之探討 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系 所:植物保護系碩士班 畢業時間及摘要別:九十八學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:盧秀誠 指導教授:梁文進 論文摘要內容: 猴頭菇【Hericium erinaceus (Bull. ex Fr)Pers.】自古在中國就是一種傳統珍貴食藥用菌。台灣新鮮猴頭菇的需求量近年來因重視健康養生而昇高,菇農逐年增加栽培面積,以滿足消費者對新鮮猴頭菇的需求。猴頭菇的栽培有瓶栽和袋栽兩種方式,而傳統栽培有立體堆疊及床架栽培兩種模式,又可分為室內及室外栽培。台灣猴頭菇栽培生產期一般局限於秋冬時節至春季,但鮮菇產量及菇之品質,常受環境氣候條件變動影響而不穩定。故本研究探討猴頭菇之培養特性及以環控設施環境提升生產之技術,以獲得品質整齊之猴頭菇,以期能增加產量與產值;另外因環保之原因也探討廢棄菇蕈木屑栽培基質之再利用。由試驗結果得知猴頭菇菌絲生長溫度24 ~ 28℃為佳,而栽培基質之pH值5 ~ 6時菌絲的生長較好。比較木屑、小薏仁和小麥粒三種當菌種培養資材優劣,獲得松木屑和小薏仁菌種比小麥粒菌種較好。五株H. erinaceus菌株之產菇栽培比較,各菌株間產菇之差異並不顯著;使用塑膠袋及塑膠瓶栽培生產H. erinaceus菇體,發現兩方式之松木屑栽培之生物轉換率(Biological efficiency)差異不顯著。相思樹與松木之木屑栽培基質於16~17℃和18~20℃栽培猴頭菇時,18~20℃相思樹木屑和松木屑等量混合生產三批次菇後之生物轉換率超過70%,表現最佳。比較不同飽滿度(即全滿及2/3飽滿度)菌絲生長太空包之產菇處理對二批次之產菇量之結果,發現栽培於18~20℃環境,以全飽滿度之松木屑栽培之生物轉換率為68%最好,與其他處理有顯著差異。比較堆肥化初用木屑栽培基質及堆肥化廢棄菇蕈木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇第一批次產量與生物轉換率,發現兩者結果差異不顯著。試驗廢棄菇蕈木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇第一批次之產量,依生物轉換率結果所有廢棄菇蕈木屑栽培基質均高於初次利用木屑基質之對照組的26%,有些廢棄木屑甚至達到33%。比較堆肥化與未堆肥化菇蕈廢棄木屑栽培基質再利用對猴頭菇第一批次產量,發現以未堆肥化菇蕈廢棄木屑栽培基質栽培猴頭菇之生物轉換率為34%,比堆肥化初用木屑基質之對照組增加40%。比較栽培舞菇、滑菇、杏鮑菇、巴西蘑菇和猴頭菇後之廢棄木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇產菇之影響,結果除了含50%栽培杏鮑菇之廢棄木屑栽培基質之再利用之生物轉換率33%,較初次利用木屑基質之對照組增加40%外,其他處理皆以猴頭菇之廢棄基質為優,生物轉換率比對照組增加20~40倍。試驗太空包添加2、4、6、8、10%與未添加米糠之松木木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇第一批次產量,發現添加6、8、10%比未添加米糠對照組之生物轉換率增加20%。比較含玉米粉、米糠和麥麩10、15、20、25、30和35%之木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇菌絲生長,結果以添加玉米粉之菌絲生長皆優於添加米糠和麥麩,且玉米粉含量愈高菌絲生長愈好。添加不同含量盤固拉草雞糞堆肥於木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇產量影響比較,發現添加3%最好,與其他處理有顯著差異。在木屑栽培基質之pH值對猴頭菇在試管中菌絲生長及在塑膠瓶中生物轉換率之影響,其結果顯示pH值5.8~6.4之菌絲生長最好;生物轉換率則以pH值5.8和5.9二者最好,分別為39.8和42.5%。在不同含水量木屑栽培基質對猴頭菇在試管中菌絲生長及在塑膠瓶中生物轉換率之試驗,其結果以含水量71.2和72.2%之菌絲生長最好;生物轉換率則以72.2%最好,超過51%以上,而含水量低於54.7%以下,菌絲生長和生物轉換率皆顯著較差。塑膠瓶木屑栽培基質栽培猴頭菇,在不同pH值或不同含水量下,接種到採收第一批次菇均需天數約提早30至34天,比一般之每包1.2 kg基質之太空包所需時間短。 關鍵字:猴頭菇、栽培、生物轉換率、菇蕈廢棄基質再利用


Abstract Student ID: M9415002 Title of Thesis: Study on the cultivation of Hericium erinaceus ( Bull. ex Fr. ) Pers. for promoting mushroom yield Total Page: 129 Name of Institute : Department of Plant Protection, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Graduate Date:July, 2009 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Hsiu-Cheng Lu Adviser Professor: Wen-Jinn Liang The Contents of Abstract in This Thesis: Hericium erinaceus (Bull. ex Fr.) Pers. is a traditional edible and medical mushroom in China, with common names such as Lion’s Mane, Monkey’s Head or Houtou mushroom. Due to the demand of fresh mushroom of H. erinaceus for human health care in recent years in Taiwan, the cultivation of Houtou mushroom increases year after year. Most of the cultivation has been conducted under non-air-conditioned culture room, and limits the harvest period from early winter to end of spring. Therefore yield and quality of Houtou mushroom are varied depending on climate and culture technology. This research was focused on cultural characteristic of H. erinaceus, recycling of used waste sawdust for decreasing the sawdust supply and promoting the cultivation technology of nutrient supplement and culture management for cultivation of Houtou mushroom. On PDA medium, H. erinaceus mycelia grow well at 24~28℃ of temperature and at pH 5~6. In screening of suitable materials for spawn, sawdust and Job’s tear are better than wheat grain in mushroom production. The yields of mushroom of first flush between 5 isolates of H. erinaceus cultivated on sawdust with bag culture are not different significantly. The mushroom yields of H. erinaceus are also not significantly different between PP plastic bag culture and bottle culture. Comparing the sawdust culture substrates of hardwood (of Acacia confusa), and soft wood ( of Thuja plicata), and the mixtures of various proportions of hardwood and soft wood, the mixture sawdust of 50% both hardwood and soft wood, for mushroom yield of H. erinaceus from three flushes in the biological efficiency(BE), is the best with more than 70% when cultivated at 18~20℃ is the effect of on stimulation of mushroom development, the whole fullness of pine sawdust substrate was found best 68% with BE (biological efficiency) from two flushes’ yield of Houtou mushroom that cultivated at 18~20℃. Comparing composted new sawdust to the recycled ones, the BE of first flush yield of mushroom in all sawdust substrates are not different significantly. In the recycled waste sawdust for cultivation the Houtou mushroom, all of the recycled sawdust got the BE of first yield, higher than those of new sawdust, one even reached 33% of BE. Comparing the composted recycled sawdust to the noncomposted, the noncomposted one has 34% BE, which was 40% higher than the composted new sawdust materials. Comparison of the sawdust recycled from different mushroom production, among the Maitake mushroom (Grifola fzondosa), Nameko mushroom (Pholita nameko), King Oyster (Pleurotus erynqii), Himematsutake mushroom (Aqaricus blazei) and Houtou mushroom, the sawdust containing 50% King Oyster waste sawdust had 33% BE, that was 40% better than the new one, and the results also showed that sawdust used by Houtou mushroom production were the better recycle for cultivating Houtou mushroom than those used by other mushrooms, with 20% ~ 40% increase in BE, respectively. In nutrient supplement, 6%、8% or 10% rice bran added to pine sawdust culture substrates all increased the yields by 20% or more. Comparing the effects of corn powder rice bran and wheat bran supplemented in different contents of pine sawdust on mycelial growth of Houtou mushroom, the results showed that corn powder supplements were superior to other nutrient supplements, and the more content of corn powder added the better the mycelia grow. In the effect of supplemented to pine sawdust culture substrate on mushroom yield, 3% Pangolagrass chicken manure compost was higher than that of 1%, 5% supplements or no supplement effects of pH valued and water contents of pine sawdust culture substrates on mycelial growth in glass tube and yield of mushroom in bottle culture, the Houtou mushroom mycelia grew well at pH 5.8~6.4 and fruiting body developed at pH 5.8 and 5.9 with 39.8% and 42.5% of BE, respectively Houtou mushroom grows its mycelia and develops its fruit bodies better at higher water content of sawdust substrates than at lower ones. It got 51% of BE in first flush production at 72.2% water content. When H. erinaceus was cultivated on pine sawdust culture substrates in PP-bottle, it took 30 ~ 34 days from inoculation to harvesting mushroom in all different pH values or water contents of sawdust culture substrates. Key wordS: Hericium erinaceus, cultivation, biological efficiency, utilization of mushroom waste culture substrates


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