  • 學位論文


Effects of Cuttings Inoculated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth of Pyrenaria buisanesis

指導教授 : 張焜標 楊勝任


武威山烏皮茶族群分布侷限於屏東地區,由於數量稀少成為育林上之嚴重問題。本研究為瞭解其開花結實狀況,並嘗試扦插繁殖法獲得到大量苗木的可能性,因此進行物候調查、扦插繁殖試驗及扦插苗接種叢枝菌根菌對生長之促進作用。由物候之觀察及記錄發現,棚集山與真笠山兩地區物候週期變化情形並不相同。在開花期之部份,發現棚集山僅於2012年11月及12月開花,而真笠山開花期由2012年10月至翌年6月。扦插試驗發現插穗浸漬糖液處理,結果以5%及10%糖液浸漬插穗,在介質Ⅱ (發泡煉石)、介質Ⅲ (蛭石、珍珠石之混合介質)、介質Ⅳ (蛭石、生物炭、珍珠石之混合介質)之發根率各有不同,與對照組比較並無顯著差異。但從發根根系之生長狀態而言,浸漬糖液之插穗在介質Ⅱ、Ⅲ可獲得較多根系。採集帶頂芽之插條於介質Ⅲ (蛭石、珍珠石之混合介質) 之鬚根根系發根狀態最佳,其發根率為52%,與中段插穗枝條比較有顯著差異。另將已發根之扦插苗與叢枝菌根菌G. intraradices 及G. mosseae 於J+砂 (真笠山土+砂土) 及S+砂 (老埤土+砂土) 之介質中進行扦插苗接種試驗。結果顯示J+砂接種G. intraradices 對武威山烏皮茶生長量效果最佳,苗高、葉片數及葉面積生長量分別為27.5 cm、30片及196.1 cm2,故接種G. intraradices可有效提高武威山烏皮茶之苗木生長。接種叢枝菌根菌之扦插苗,經根片段染色法觀察,發現具有菌絲及孢子,證實武威山烏皮茶與叢枝菌根菌間順利感染。綜合前述結果,武威山烏皮茶之扦插繁殖可以帶頂芽之插穗浸漬5或10%糖液後,置於發泡煉石介質中進行扦插,以提高插穗之發根率。扦插苗木接種叢枝菌根菌試驗,亦可提高苗木之生長。


Population distribution of Pyrenaria buisanensis is limited in Pingtung area. Due to the scarce of this species it became a serious problem of silviculture. The purposes of this study were to understand the flowering and fruiting status, and the possibility of obtain a large quantity of seedlings using cutting propagation. Phenological observation, cutting propagation test and inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) with cuttings were performed. By the observation and records of phenology, it was found that periodical changes of phenology in the two areas, Pengchisan and Chenlisan, were different. The flowering period was in November and December in the Pengchisan area in 2012 and from October 2012 to June 2013 in the Chenlisan area. From the cutting test, it was found that rooting rate of cuttings immersed in 5% or 10% and rooted in the medium II (calcined clay), III (combined vermiculite, perlite), and IV (combined vermiculite, perlite, rice hull biochar) were different, but compared no different with the control. However, from the point of rooting status, it is better in the medium II and III because of more fibrous root system in the cuttings. Cuttings with terminal bud was collected and rooted in medium III, had rooted best fibrous roots. Rooting rate was 52% and significantly higher than the middle section of stem. Rooted cuttings inoculated with AMF, G. intraradices and G. mosseae, and all planted in the soil of Chenlishan and Pengchishan with half sands, respectively. The results exhibited that seedling growth of inoculated with G. intraradices in Chenlishan with half sands were performed better in seedling height (27.5 cm), number of leaves (30) and leaf area (196.1 cm2) than those of in G. mosseae. Obviously, that seedlings inoculated with G. intraradices were effectively to enhance plant growth. Rooted cuttings inoculated with AMF were observed by root segment staining, and found that there are fungal hyphae and spores in the surface of roots. Results indicated that infection between plant of Pyrenaria buisanensis and AMF was successful. In general, this experimental results revealed that method of cuttings with terminal bud immersed in 5 or 10% sugar solution and rooted in medium of calcined clay was benfecial to increase rooting rate of Pyrenaria buisanensis. Root cuttings inoculated with AMF also enhance seedling’s growth.


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