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The Correlated Factors With Self-Regulated Learning, Online Campus Interpersonal Experiences, and Learning Effectiveness of Online Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of National Taiwan Normal University in 2020


本研究旨在探討自我調控學習、線上校園人際經驗以及線上課程學習成效之關係,透過便利抽樣法,調查2020 年嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Coronavirus Disease-2019, COVID-19)疫情期間國立臺灣師範大學的97 名學生。研究透過partial least square structural equation modeling(PLS-SEM)模式進行分析並檢測其中介效果,發現自我調控學習、線上校園人際經驗對於線上課程學習成效有正向影響,且線上校園人際經驗在自我調控學習以及線上課程學習成效間具有中介效果存在。另外透過單因子變異數分析(one-way analysis of variance, one-way ANOVA),發現疫情期間身心健康狀況較好的同學,其自我調控學習以及線上課程學習成效皆高;而每月可支配所得較高的同學,不論自我調控學習、線上校園人際經驗以及線上課程學習成效皆高。透過質性深度訪談,瞭解自我調控學習的關鍵因素在於時間管理,而線上校園人際經驗的改變,在於溝通方式變化產生影響。另外,在線上課程的學習成效中,受訪者認為可運用的時間較有彈性,且預錄或可重複播放的線上課程有利於自我調控學習,但是並非所有的課程都適合線上學習。


This study aims to investigate the correlation between university students' self-regulated learning, online campus interpersonal experiences, and learning effectiveness of online courses. The participants of this study were 97 university students recruited from National Taiwan Normal University during the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 by the convenience sampling method. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to assess the fit of structural equation models to data, and the mediation of the online campus interpersonal experiences was examined as a latent variable. With one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the students with better health status during the COVID-19 pandemic show a significantly higher level in both self-regulated learning and learning effectiveness of online courses; and the students with better disposable income show a significantly higher level in self-regulated learning, online campus interpersonal experiences, and learning effectiveness of online courses. According to the in-depth interviews, the key factor of self-regulated learning is time management; the change in the interpersonal experience of the online campus lies in the change of the communication mode. In students' experience of participating in online courses, the advantage is that there is more flexible time to use, and some re-playable courses can help self-regulated learning, but not all courses are suitable for online courses.


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