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Future Relevance to Explore Career in the Hospitality - Hospitality Practice for Students in the Northern Taiwan Location


本研究嘗試探討北部技職教育餐旅相關科系學生,在學校外實習時學生實習情境與工作投入的因素分析未來從事餐旅業的關係。隨著來台觀光人數增加,交通部觀光局(Tourism Bureau, MOTC)觀光統計年報估計台灣2015年:來台觀光人數達1,040萬人次,旅遊業對經濟貢獻的收入達150億美元,旅遊業創造的間接就業機會共創造近70萬個就業機會(佔總就業機會6.0%),使得越來越多企業投入觀光產業的發展,對觀光服務專業人才的需求也與日俱增。學生學習實務性實習的內容與方式,著實影響著實習生未來畢業後繼續從事觀光產業意願。從事餐旅服務產業是一項重視技術與實務經驗的重要民生產業,學校在課程的安排上會安排學生到合作的企業做校外實習,學習實務的工作經驗;企業界亦期望能藉此達到降低人事成本、徵選未來人才的複合性功能。本研究以北部地區的餐旅科系學生,校外實習為中半年以上到一年為止,與實習結束後一年以內的同學為研究對象,共發出510份問卷,回收474份,440份為有效問卷,有效回收率為93%。透過資料蒐集與分析,影響餐旅產業建教合作生實習情境對學生未來從事餐旅、休閒等服務產業的意願與工作投入的中介效果有明顯的關係是重要的因素,亦重要的影響學生未來從事餐旅、休閒等服務產業的意願。


This study analyzes and explores the factors related to the program that the technical and vocational schools that provide the students to carrying out the internships with the industries provide the environments for the students working as the interns to the related industries. In 2015, Tourism Bureau, (MOTC) reported that the tourists to Taiwan reached one million four hundred (1.04 million) and 1.5 billion income for the industries. Also provided 700,000 jobs (6.0% to the total jobs) and the aspect is bright for the tourism related industries as there are additional companies are being entering to the tourism industries. Needless to say, the increasing requirement of the service personnel, especially the employees that can provide the excellent and up standard services are in demand. Tourism related industries require the employee to provide the excellent and professional service. The best training to obtain the experience on hand employee of the tourism industries often could be provided by the corporation from the internship program. This program may be the win-win results for both participants. Especially give the industry saving the training costs and to retain the best participants as its future employees. The content of the internship may be given and may also provide the influential factor to the students for the desire and the opportunity for the job selection to be in the tourism industries. This study is based on the survey of the questionnaire to the students with 6 months to one year in the internship program. 474 out of 510 returning of 93% in effect. The survey through data collection and analysis, shows the impact of the cooperative education Hospitality Industry Internship's future and the aspects for students' will engages in hospitality, leisure and other service industries are related to the willingness of the interns of their dedication to the work which may enhanced by the amiable working environment, among to other significant intermediary relationships are the important as well. Needless to say these are important influential factors in the students' future job selections as well.


