  • 學位論文

師徒功能認知與組織公民行為關聯性之研究- 以工作滿足為中介變數

A Study on the Relationships among Perception of Mentoring Functions and Organizational Citizenship Behavior- The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction

指導教授 : 陳文聰


師徒關係是經由資深者與資淺者之間的人際互動交流所產生,藉由此種關係可給予資淺者心理支持、職能發展與角色模範等功能。現今,國際觀光旅館業普遍存在透過師徒關係之方式來提高員工之間的互動、學習機會,多數管理者亦認為藉此能提高服務品質,提升經濟效益。 本研究以台南、高雄縣市區域 12 家國際觀光旅館,餐飲內外場人員為研究對象,採用問卷調查方式,經發放 320 份問卷,回收 280 份有效問卷,有效回收率為 87.5%,最後將所蒐集之問卷資料,歸納出下列四項重要研究結論: 一、 師徒功能認知與工作滿足有顯著正相關,表示徒弟認知師徒功能愈高,則其工作滿足感愈高。 二、 師徒功能認知與組織公民行為有顯著正相關,表示徒弟認知師徒功能愈高,則其展現組織公民行為愈多。 三、 工作滿足與組織公民行為有顯著正相關,表示當員工的工作滿足愈高時,其展現組織公民行為愈多。 四、 師徒功能認知確實能夠透過工作滿足的部份中介效果,對組織公民行為產生影響。 綜合上述,本研究建議國際觀光旅館業應在組織中建立明確之師徒關係,藉由觀念及經驗的傳承,達到職能發展、心理支持以及角色模範等功能,以提升員工的工作滿足、增加員工展現組織公民行為。另外,組織管理者亦應重視影響員工態度的相關因素與配套措施,以提升員工的工作滿足,方能進而激發組織公民行為,提升服務品質並加強競爭力。


Mentorship was an intense interpersonal exchange between a senior experienced colleague (mentor) and a less experienced junior colleague (protege) in which the mentor provides functions of psychosocial support, career support and role modeling. Nowadays, managers believe that mentorship has great positive influences on the organization. This study focused on 12 international tourist hotels in Tainan and Kaohsiung city. Sent out were 320 questionnaires and 280 of the recieved questionnaires remained valid. The response rate was 87.5%. The questionnaires collected were then analyzed. Results of statistical analysis provided four important conclusions: 一、 The mentoring function positively related to job satisfaction. The more mentoring functions that a protege perceived, the higher degree of job satisfaction he/she acquired. 二、 The mentoring function positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. The more mentoring functions that a protege perceived, the higher degree of organizational citizenship behavior he/she develops. 三、 The job satisfaction positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. The more job satisfaction that protege perceived, the higher degree of organizational citizenship behavior he/she develops. 四、 Job satisfaction served as an intervening variable and partially mediates the relationship between perceived mentoring functions and a protege’s organizational citizenship behavior. From these studies, this abstract provides appropriate suggestions and recomm endations. Furthermore tourism should establish mentorship in the organization to provide mentoring functions, to help their employees be more satisfied and come more organizational citizenship behaved.


黃同圳(2000),人力資源管理策略,人力資源管理的十二堂課,頁 39-41,台北:天下遠見。


李 青(2011)。家長式領導、工作滿足與留任意願關係之研究 -以臺灣國際觀光旅館為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2011.00015
