  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship among Teachers’Work Pressures, Participation of Recreational Sports as well as Physical and Mental Health : An Evidence of Elementary Schools of Yunlin County

指導教授 : 張淑貞


本研究主要在探討教師工作壓力、休閒運動參與行為及身心健康之關係。本研究以雲林縣國小教師為研究對象,並藉由實地訪查與隨機抽樣做調查。在誤差容忍度5%之下,最少抽取的樣本數800份,回收708份問卷,其中扣除填答不完整的12份,有效問卷696份,有效問卷回收率87%。研究方法採用因素分析、多變量變異數分析與迴歸分析進行統計分析。本研究的主要發現如下: 1.不同性別、教學年資與婚姻狀況之國小教師對其工作壓力無顯著差異。但不同年齡與職務之國小教師對其工作壓力則有顯著差異。 2.不同性別之國小教師在休閒運動參與行為無顯著差異。但不同年齡、職務、教學年資與婚姻狀況之國小教師在休閒運動參與行為有顯著差異。 3.不同性別、年齡、教學年資與婚姻狀況之國小教師在身心健康無顯著差異。不同職務之國小教師在身心健康有顯著差異。 4.教師工作壓力與休閒運動參與行為對身心健康有影響,而教師工作壓力與休閒運動參與行為的交互作用對身心健康有顯著影響。因此,休閒運動參與行為涉入程度會干擾教師工作壓力對身心健康之影響;意即當休閒運動參與行為的程度愈大時,教師工作壓力對身心健康的影響程度愈高。 5.雲林縣國小教師的工作壓力與身心健康之間有顯著差異,亦即教師工作壓力愈大,其身心健康狀況愈差;教師工作壓力愈小時,其身心狀況愈佳。


This study explored the relationship among teachers’ work pressures, participation of recreational sports, and physical and mental health. The subjects were elementary school teachers in Yunlin County. Based on an error tolerance of 5%, our samples have 800, but 708 questionnaires were retrieved. After eliminating 12 questionnaires with incomplete responses, there were 696 valid samples, with a valid return rate of 87%. Research methods include factor analysis, multivariate analysis and regression analysis. The findings are as follows: 1. Gender, teaching experience, and marital status of elementary school teachers do not have significant influences on work pressures; however, age and position have significant. 2. Gender of elementary school teachers does not have a significant influences on participation of recreational sports; however, age, position, teaching experience and marital status have significant. 3. Gender, age, teaching experience and marital status of elementary school teachers do not have significant influences on physical and mental health while position has a significant. 4. Teachers’ work pressures and participation of recreational sports influence physical and mental health while interaction between teachers’ work pressures and participation of recreational sports have significant influence. Thus, involvement of participation of recreational sports can improve the effect of teachers’ work pressure on physical and mental health. In other words, as the teachers increases participation of recreational sports, their work pressures significantly on physical and mental health. 5. When teachers have more work pressure, their physical and mental states are bad; on the contrary, when they have less work pressure, their physical and mental states are healthier.


[45]季瑋珠與符春美(1992)。社區民眾從事體適能活動之研究。中華衛誌,11(4),328 -339。


