  • 學位論文


Applying Digital Media Animation to Cultural Products -National Palace Museum’s mission in progress

指導教授 : 王雅倫


在文化全球化的過程中,數位媒體科技的興起加速了博物館的發展,豐富了它的呈現的方式與管道。身在文化全球化潮流中,適者生存的叢林法則迫使博物館必須面臨轉型的危機,也促使了文化產品透過各種流通管道拓展到了全世界,以求文化藝術的永續傳承。 本研究是以文獻探討的方式,探究博物館在文化全球化、文化創意產業、數位媒體科技三方面衝擊下所做的轉型與改變。繼而透過個案分析法,以國立故宮博物院為例,端看故宮在此時期所做的計畫與改變,還有世界上各著名博物館在這時期的一些表現成果做一分析比較,說明博物館界對於此一潮流的迎合與重視。 綜觀以上的時代背景和國立故宮博物院在數位媒體科技下的應用,本研究提出將故宮文化產品與flash做一結合的創作。並且藉由問卷的隨機抽樣調查,以故宮「Old is New」時期的文化產品,挑選出知名度較低和功能面較不清楚的產品為主要的創作對象。希望藉由Flash動畫的靈活創作特質與在網路媒體上的優勢,活化故宮以往的嚴肅形象,並將宣傳對象鎖定在使用網路媒體的年輕族群,達到故宮教育與傳承的使命。


In the process of the cultural globalization, the introduction of digital media techniques has speeded up the development of museums. It also has diversified the presenting methods and channels of museums. Under the influence of such trends, the rule of thumb, the fittest survives, has forces the museums to face the crisis of transformation. As a result, the cultural products have extended to the rest of whole wide world in a variety of distribution channels. In doing so, the cultural art can be passed on to the next generations. The museums took action in response to the transformations and changes under the impact of three major aspects, culture globalization, culture industry and digital media science. In this article the discussion and analyses about how the museums proceeded to the action are explored based on the studies of documentary supplements. A case study was brought in to observe how National Palace Museum (NPM), as an example, planned and changed during this period of time. In addition, a comparison among other museums from the rest of world of how they paid attention and accommodated themselves in accordance to the above mentioned trends of changes was made. To conduct a comprehensive survey of NPM’s history background and reactions, this study combined the NPM’s cultural products with Flash animation. Flash, as one of the powerful digital media techniques, has its unique story-telling capability and has played a leading role on the Internet. Flash enhanced the affinity of NPM’s culture products and raises the public’s awareness. Flash vividly removed NPM’s solemn image. Younger generations will be much fonder of the museums. The educational and heritage mission of the museums will then be carried out.


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劉曉樺(2010)。Old is New!?故宮宣傳影片及青年觀眾解讀之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2010.00147
