  • 學位論文


A Pilot Study on Developing a Training Perception Scale for Clinical Preceptors

指導教授 : 張文英


為強化護理臨床教師在輔導新進護理人員的教學能力,醫院紛紛建置護理臨床教師訓練制度,但目前有關護理臨床教師訓練之感受量表卻匱乏,故本研究旨在發展一份完整且適合於國內護理臨床教師訓練感受量表,並測試此其信度與效度。 本研究分兩階段進行:第一階段是建構臨床護理教師訓練感受量表之內容;第二階段是對護理臨床教師訓練感受量表進行信效度之測試。問卷調查對象為大台北地區7家區域教學以上醫院之350位護理臨床教師 。以Cronbach's α 值、Pearson’s correlation、項目分析、因素分析依序來檢定量表之內在一致性、再測信度、題項適切程度、建構效度。 本研究所建構之臨床護理教師訓練感受之量表,整體量表之專家效度CVI為0.93。在項目分析方面,有2題之CR值並未達到顯著水準(α <.05),且參與量表總分與題項的相關係數也未能達0.4以上,故將此2題予以刪除。在因素分析方面,進行二次因素分析,由28題分別抽取五個因素,包括領導統馭能力、教學能力、角色模範、問題解決能力、個人特質。而量表的內在一致性之Cronbach α為0.953。再測信度之檢測整體相關係數值分別為r = 0.885(p<.05)。 本研究發展的護理臨床教師感受量表具良好的信效度,故可提供未來研究者在建構其他相關訓練感受量表之參考,亦可作為臨床及研究護理臨床教師訓練感受之測量工具。


To strengthen the clinical preceptor’ teaching competency to guide new nurses during orientation period, many hospitals have implemented the preceptorship programs. However, the training perception scale(TPS) for clinical preceptors is lacking at this moment. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a TPS for clinical preceptors and to assess the reliability and validity of the scale. This study was completed in two stages. The first stage was to establish the contents of TPS. The second stage was to test validity and reliability of the TPS. Three-hundred and fifty clinical preceptors from district hospitals and medical centers in northern Taipei areas were surveyed using the TPS. Data were analyzed using Cronbach's α value, Pearson’s correlation, item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. The overall content validity of CVI was 0.93. For item analysis, two items had CR values not reached the significance level (α <.05)and the correlation coefficient was less than 0.4; these 2 questions were deleted. For the exploratory factor analysis, five factors, including leadership competency, teaching ability, role models, problem solving ability, and personal characteristics were extracted from 28 questions. The Cronbach’s αcoefficients of the total scale was 0.953. The 2-week test-retest correlation was 0.885 (p<.05). The TPS showed good reliability and validity; thus, the findings can be served as references for future researchers to develop relative questionnaires and as instrument to measure clinical preceptors’ perceptions regarding training programs.


