  • 學位論文


An exploration of the usage of the remote district portals

指導教授 : 陳建勳


由於教育部創造偏鄉數位機會計畫(Digital Opportunity Center,DOC)的重點已從縮減數位落差,轉化為協助DOC自主營運、創造數位機會的社區,因此「數位機會中心」更肩負起地方文化的數位保存、促進地方產業行銷推廣與凝聚地方民眾的向心力等任務。為了能夠多方面的了解偏遠地區數位機會中心入口網站的使用情況、使用行為與影響因素,因此本研究首先使用網站瀏覽行為分析與資料探勘中的關聯之規則分析,了解偏遠地區高雄縣甲仙鄉小林村數位機會中心入口網站的使用情況與瀏灠行為樣式,分析結果讓本研究對數位機會中心入口網站有初步的暸解,並且提供建立實證研究理論模型的線索。透過前述的初步研究結果與文獻探討,本研究進一步提出結合涉入理論與科技接受模式為基礎的理論模式,以高雄縣與雲林縣數位機會中心入口網站包含有文化與產業背景相關的網站為主要研究對象,探討影響網站持續使用意圖的變數。研究結果顯示,涉入程度、認知有用性、認知易用性會顯著影響持續使用的意圖,而經濟價值、系統穩定性、文化與產業活動會顯著影響使用涉入程度;另外資訊價值僅對認知有用性有顯著的影響,網站設計僅對認知易用性有顯著的影響。期望透過本研究結果可以讓相關人員更了解偏遠地區的網站使用情況與行為,相關人員進而可以擬定適當的管理策略,協助偏遠地區數位機會中心入口網站增加競爭力。


Digital opportunity center(DOC), funded by the Ministry of Education for remote community program, has shifted its role from reducing the digital divide to operate independently. In this case, the DOCs take up more responsibility of the digital archieve of the community culture, the maketing of the local agriculture and the coherence of the community and so on. In order to better understand the usage of the DOCs in the remote community, this study first use web log analysis and association rules technique to understand the usage and the navigation pattern of the portal. The results of this analysis can provide us a preliminary understanding of the portal of the DOCs, and also clues of how to build a theoretical model to conduct an empirical study. Through this preliminary finding with the literature review, we further pospose a theoretical model which combined involvement theory and technology acceptance model to explore the inference factors to the user intention. The results showed that the degree of involvement, cognitive usefulness, ease of use are significant impact on intent to use, and economic value, system stability, cultural and community activities will be in a significant impact on the extent of the involvement. Besides, the value of information only has a significant impact on the cognitive usefulness, and the design of the website has a significant imapcet on the ease of use. The results of this study can provide relevant staff to better understanding of how the DOCs be used, and stakeholders can then develop appropriate management strategies to assist the remote DOCs to enhance their competitiveness in the internet.


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