  • 學位論文

建構六標準差與精實生產方式應用於 服務業之整合模式

Integration of Six Sigma and Lean Production System for Service Industry

指導教授 : 江瑞清


六標準差(Six Sigma)為目前最受矚目與重視的品質活動,而精實生產方式(Lean Production System)係以及時化(Just-In-Time, JIT)及自働化(Jidohka)兩大概念,所發展出來的合理化生產系統。此二者俱以變異為基礎的思考(Variation-based Thinking),協助企業改善流程、提昇品質、生產力與競爭地位,其整合並被視為下一波管理思潮的新趨勢。 此外,若論及產業特性,服務產業有別於製造業,其特有的服務(Service)、交易業務(Transaction)與其他非製造性(Non-Manufacturing)流程,往往存在更多浪費與更多的改善機會,卻更為強調顧客滿意經營。 本研究鑑於研究缺口與實務發展之需,提出六標準差與精實生產方式應用於服務業之整合模式(Lean Six Sigma for Service,LS3)。本模式以精實生產方式減少內部浪費,並以六標準差導向顧客滿意之追求,不但兼顧企業內部與外部顧客之觀點,亦兼顧精實速度與六標準差之高品質。


“Six Sigma” is one of the most popular quality initiatives recently. “Lean Production System” is the world famous production system developed and practiced by Toyota mobile company for a long time. It based on two concepts: “Just-In-Time” and “Jidohka”. Both two are based on the variation thinking to improve business process, enhance quality, production and competitive position. Besides, the integration of them is viewed as a new trend in the next management wave. Moreover, regarding to the industry characteristics, service industry is quite different from manufacturing industry. Even though there are more wastes and improvement opportunities, the application of Six Sigma, Lean Production System or their integration in service industry is quite few neither in literatures nor practice. This research proposes the Lean Six Sigma integration model based on the research gap and the practical need, and then adapt it for service industry. The model is named as “Lean Six Sigma for Service (LS3)” in this research. It balances the viewpoints of internal and external customers, and gives consideration to the Lean speed as well as Six Sigma high quality. Also, this research tries to contribute to the enhancement of management technology.


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