  • 學位論文


The impact of problem-based learning teaching model on the performance of the problem-solving and cooperative learning of grade eight students

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究主要的目的在設計國中二年級學生適用之「問題本位學習」教學模式與國中生理化課程為主的教材內容,探討「問題本位學習」教學模式對學生的問題解決能力與小組合作學習的影響,並根據研究結果提出建議與改進方針,作為其他科學教育學者之參考。 本研究採用個案研究法,以桃園縣某國中二年級一個班級學生(共39人)為研究對象,並依一年級六次段考的平均成績將研究對象以S形分組方式分成6個異質性學習小組實施「問題本位學習」教學模式之教學。經以直接觀察、問卷調查以及半結構式的晤談與學習檔案蒐集學生在四個月中參與學習活動所得的資料,利用「解決問題評分指標」與「合作學習評分指標」對學生之小組討論對話記錄與個人學習檔案記錄進行分析,藉以探討「問題本位學習」教學模式對學生問題解決能力與小組合作學習的影響。 本研究結果得知,第一、在問題解決模式方面,Gp-a組屬於獨裁統整式學習類型,其形成原因為小組成員未脫離被動的學習心態,無法進行分散式學習的目標,解題的任務只好由小組內特定學生一人獨自扛起。Gp-e組屬於同儕指導式學習類型,其形成原因為分工機制確實,小組成員各司其職,且學習活動進行中會有輪流的領導人主動引導小組完成任務。 第二、在合作學習模式方面,Gp-a組屬於依賴式學習類型,其形成原因為參與討論人數未過半,而且只限定某些人,小組內有特定成員會自動扛起責任,獨自完成學習任務。Gp-e組屬於協商式學習類型,其形成原因為參與討論人數逐漸增加,討論上的互動對答情形,容易達成小組共識,且小組內有較正面的人際關係,使得小組成員有較佳的向心力。 第三、針對合作學習方面的意見,學生認同小組表現不錯呈現滿意狀態,有共同目標、有能力提出問題、成員都有發言的機會互相給予回饋、不同意小組合作會產生衝突。 第四、針對自我學習方面的意見,「我貢獻了已知的事實或觀念」、「我透過問題來幫助思考」、「我提供了新的資訊」以及「我幫助我的小組完成任務」等四題的結果呈現逐步上升的趨勢,而在「我有想出一些學習的議題」及「我使用了各種資源來做研究」兩題的結果其滿意度則先降後升。 第五、在課程實施的滿意度方面,學生認為在學習主題方面應與生活有關聯,以培養利用知識來解決問題的能力;在小組討論方面,學生也贊成在學習過程中同學之間要有較多的互動討論;在合作學習方面,學生喜歡在小組合作中學習卻未能主動參與學習活動。整體而言,學生心中存在著矛盾現象,一方面被動學習心態仍然存在,因而害怕「問題本位學習」教學模式的主動學習壓力,另一方面卻又滿意「問題本位學習」能讓他在學習的過程中擁有學習的主導權,比在傳統上光聽老師上課的方式學得更多。 第六、從課程實施後意見晤談的結果發現,「問題本位學習」教學對46%學生產生正面的影響,因為內容比較靈活不像課本那麼呆板以及真實問題連結生活經驗會想去解決問題。而小組討論的學習方式則影響62%學生的學習,因為增加互動的機會可以互相學習和有助於知識的活用幫助思考。有38%學生願意選擇「問題本位學習」教學模式,理由是:多吸收一點知識充實自己、可以學到許多課外知識、較有互動比傳統教法好。


The aim of this study was to design and implement a problem-based learning teaching model and the corresponding teaching materials of science course that were adaptable to 8th grade students. The effects of this teaching model on students’ performances of problem-solving and cooperative learning abilities were investigated. The results of this study would provide information and suggestions for educators and researchers in the future. The case study method was applied in this study. The sample was a science class that consisted of 39 8th grade students of one junior high school in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. The S-type grouping method was used to divide these students into six heterogeneous study groups based on the average scores of their six examinations taken in 7th grade. This experimental teaching lasted for four months. Observation, questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and students’ portfolios were used to collect data during the teaching period. The “problem-solving rubric” and the “cooperation rubric” were used to analyze the group discussion dialogs and the individual profiles in order to investigate the students’ learning process and their performance of problem-solving and cooperative learning during the time when problem-based learning teaching model was implemented. The results of this study are as followed. First, in the aspect of problem-solving, Gp-a team was identified as the single-student dominant learning type. It is because the team members were unable to learn actively and to perform distributed learning so that someone in the team needed to take the responsibility of doing problem-solving tasks. Gp-e team was identified as the peer-tutor learning type. The characteristics of this type were that the team members could do their jobs well and they would take turns leading the team to accomplish the problem-solving tasks. Second, in the aspect of cooperative learning, Gp-a team was identified as the depended learning type. It is because only certain members (less than half) of the team would participate in the discussion and someone would take the responsibility finishing all the learning tasks alone. Gp-e team was identified as the negotiated learning type. The number of students who joined the discussion increased gradually in this team. The agreements were easy to make among team members through their discussion and interaction. The members of Gp-e team also had more positive interpersonal relationships so that they showed stronger centripetal force toward the group. Third, as for the opinions about cooperative learning, students were satisfied with the team performance because they had common goals, as well as the ability to address a problem area. They agreed that all members in the team would have the chance to speak and give feedbacks to each other and didn’t think that cooperative learning would cause conflict among them. Fourth, the results that students evaluated their performance in problem-solving tasks showed increasing satisfaction in four items including “I contributed ideas/facts”, “I helped think through the problem”, “I contributed new information”, and “I helped my group in doing its work”. The degrees of satisfaction in “I came up with some learning issues” and “I used a variety of resources when doing my research” decreased first and then increased. Fifth, as for the opinions about the overall problem-based learning course, students thought that the learning subjects should be relevant to the real life in order to cultivate the ability of problem solving. They also agreed that they need more discussion in the process of learning. Moreover, students reported that they liked to learn cooperatively in the group but in fact, they didn’t participate in learning activities actively. On one hand, passive learning attitude make it a pressure for students to learn actively. On the other hand, problem-based learning gives students domination to learn what they want, which helps them learn more than that they learn from Teacher’s lecturing. Sixth, the results of the interview indicated that the problem-based learning teaching model had positive influences on 46% students. The results also showed that students liked group discussion because it provided opportunities for them to interact so that they can learn from each other and think and utilize the knowledge in real life. Thirty-eight percent of the students would like to choose problem-based learning as future teaching model instead of traditional one because they could gain more knowledge through problem-based learning process and interact more with others.




