  • 學位論文


A Study of Collective Teacher Efficacy in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 張淑慧


本研究主要目的在瞭解國民小學教師集體效能感之現況,及其在不同的背景變項下是否有所差異,並探討教師教學情境知覺、教師自我效能感與教師集體效能感之關聯性。為達研究目的,依據文獻探討分析,以自編「國民小學教師效能感調查問卷」、「國民小學教師教學情境知覺問卷」作為研究工具,並以桃園縣公立國民小學教師為研究對象,採分層比例抽樣的方式,共抽取66所學校820位教師進行問卷調查,回收率80.9%,計得有效問卷646份,主要運用描述統計、單因子變異數、積差相關、典型相關、t考驗等統計方法分析。根據資料分析結果,本研究主要發現: 一、桃園縣國民小學教師集體效能感呈現中上的程度,各向度間有顯著的差異,最高為「學習指導」,其次依序為「教學實施」、「教學規劃」、「環境轉化」。 二、服務年資1年以下的教師在集體效能感整體層面上的得分顯著高於服務年資6-10年、11-20年、21年以上的教師。 三、服務年資1年以下的教師在集體效能感「教學規劃」、「環境轉化」向度的得分顯著高於11-20年、21年以上教師;服務年資1年以下的教師在集體效能感「學習指導」、「教學實施」向度的得分顯著高於6-10年、11-20年、21年以上教師。 四、學校規模13-24班、25-48班的教師在集體效能感整體層面上的得分顯著高於49班以上的教師。 五、學校規模13-24班、25-48班的教師在集體效能感「教學規劃」、「教學實施」向度的得分顯著高於49班以上的教師;學校規模12班以下、13-24班的教師在集體效能感「環境轉化」向度的得分顯著高於49班以上的教師;在集體效能感「學習指導」向度方面,不同學校規模的教師之間並無顯著差異。 六、一般地區與偏遠地區的教師集體效能感整體層面及其各向度皆無顯著差異。 七、教師們對「專業分享」、「家長支持」、「校長支持」、「學生特質」、「課程改革」之教學情境知覺與教師集體效能感之「教學實施」、「教學規劃」、「學習指導」、「環境轉化」間有顯著正向的典型相關。表示教師教學情境知覺的得分愈高,其教師集體效能感整體層面及其各向度的得分也愈高。 八、教師自我效能感之環境轉化、學習指導、教學實施、教學規劃與教師集體效能感之環境轉化、學習指導、教學實施、教學規劃間有顯著正向的典型相關,表示教師自我效能感整體層面及其各向度的得分愈高,其教師集體效能感整體層面及其各向度的得分也愈高。 關鍵詞:集體效能感、自我效能感、社會認知理論、教師信念、教師專業能力知覺


Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the current state of collective teacher efficacy and to investigate the relationship among teacher’s perception of school situation, teacher’s self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy as the function of various background variables. Eight hundred and twenty teachers were sampled from sixty-six public elementary schools in Taoyuan County. The response rate was 80.9%, and the valid cases were 646. The instruments were “Perception of Instructional Situation Questionnaire” and “Collective Teacher Efficacy Questionnaire in elementary school.” The major findings were as the following: 1. The current state of collective teacher efficacy in Taoyuan County was above average. There were significance differences of four factors of collective teacher efficacy. The sequences were “Learning Guide”, “Instructional Practice”, “Instructional Design”, and “Situational Application”. 2. Teachers with less than 1 year teaching experience have higher collective teacher efficacy than teachers with more years of teaching experience (6 to 10-year, 11 to 20-year and over 21-year teaching experiences). 3. Teachers with less than 1 year teaching experience had higher “Instructional Design” and “Situational Application” of collective teacher efficacy than teachers with 11 to 20-year and over 21-year teaching experiences. They had higher “Learning Guide” and “Instructional Practice” of collective teacher efficacy than teachers with more years of teaching experience (6 to 10-year, 11 to 20-year and over 21-year teaching experiences). 4. Schools with 13 to 24 classes and 25 to 48 classes had higher collective teacher efficacy than schools over 49 classes. 5. Schools with 13 to 24 classes and 25 to 48 classes had higher “Instructional Design” and “Instructional Practice” than schools over 49 classes. Schools with less than 12 classes and 13 to 24 classes have higher “Situational Application” of collective teacher efficacy than schools over 49 classes. 6. There was no significant difference of collective teacher efficacy and four factors between teachers of urban district and teachers of rural district. 7. There was significant canonical correlation between collective teacher efficacy and teacher’s perception of student characteristics, parent support, professional sharing, school principal support, curriculum reform. There is a positive relationship between collective teacher efficacy and teacher’s perception of student characteristics, parent support, professional share, school principal support, curriculum reform. 8. There were significant canonical correlations between collective teacher efficacy and teacher’s self-efficacy. Based on the results of the study, suggestions were proposed for school administrators and teachers. Keyword:collective efficacy、self efficacy、social cognitive theory、teachers’ belief、teachers’ perception of professional competency




