  • 學位論文


Construct Lean Management Process Application of Food Industries

指導教授 : 江瑞清


摘 要 精實經營(Lean Management)是近年來逐漸為各大企業競相採用的經營管理技術,是企業永續經營的基礎,它的本質是期望以較少的投入來產生更多的產出,達到縮短生產時間、減少搬運、省人化、消除浪費,以及提升作業附加價值等目標,為企業展現競爭的優勢。面對整體經濟環境變化激烈,市場需求快速變化,產品需求多樣少量的趨勢。本研究運用「精實流程」概念與精神及「精實生產」的方法與工具,提供一般屬於「非程序式批量生產型態」的生產模式之產業,讓公司突破現有狀況,提升生產力,縮短生產週期,提高產品品質,增加顧客滿意度,進而協助企業從有限的資源中獲取最大利潤。 關鍵字:精實生產、多樣少量、非程序式批量生產型態


Abstract “Lean Management” has been used years the business management technology by the enterprise, It is the enterprise continue forever the management foundation, and its essence is the expectation production more output by less input, achieved by reducing the production time, reducing the transportation time , rationalizing manpower and eliminating the waste, as well as its goal is to enhance the value-added operation, unfolded the competition for the enterprise superiority. In order to face the overall economic environment change , market demand fast change , and product demand High Mix and Low Volume tendencies , this research utilizes the concept , spirit, methods and tools of "Lean Production" to encounter the production model of " the non-procedure batch production type " industry . By increasing the productivity, reducing the production cycletime , improving the product quality , and enhancing the customer satisfaction , the company will breakthrough the current operation and increase the operation profit as well . Key Words:Lean Management;High Mix and Low Volume;the non- procedure batch production type


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