  • 學位論文

應用層級分析法建立供應商選擇評估之研究--- 以LED Lighting 產業之LED供應商為例

A Study on the Evaluation Model of the Supplier’s Performance by AHP--- Using the LED Suppliers’ Performance Evaluation in the LED Lighting

指導教授 : 周永燦


綠色產品為目前世界的潮流,其中就發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode,LED)照明產業而言,LED供應商績效的管理與評估,在傳統上大多以價格為主要績效評估之依據,並經常以決策者主觀的判斷進行供應商選擇,而無法以一套全面、客觀的績效評估模型進行供應商的選擇,確實有極待改善之處。因此本研究旨在協助LED照明(LED Lighting)產業建立一套明確的績效衡量方法,以多個不同構面的績效衡量機制,改善傳統績效評估之缺失。 本研究經由文獻參考與產業實際狀況探討,擬以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)模式建構一個適合LED照明產業之LED供應商的績效評估模式,本研究將以七大構面:「品質」、「價格競爭力」、「交期」、「服務」、「產能」、「創新及研發技術能力」以及「綠色產品的管理能力」等,及34項評估準則作為績效評估之模型。目的在於協助判斷選擇最佳化的供應商以提高公司競爭力。本研究並將以實際案例演練以驗證本建構模型是否可作為LED照明產業選擇LED供應商的參考依據。 本研究實際的流程作法,係將供應商的績效評估項目建立一個層級式的架構,並進而建立成對比較矩陣,解出特徵向量與最大特徵值,最後進行單層級與整個層級之一致性檢定,以建構出七大構面與34項準則之LED供應商績效評估權重。 基於此,本研究已建構一個可具體執行的架構,應可為各家LED照明公司提供LED供應商後續進行績效評估與選擇時之參考模式。


Nowadays, Green Product is the leading trend of the world for environmental consciousness. In which product, LED (Light Emitting Diode), in lighting industrial is the major innovation. Therefore, the LED supplier assessment and management are the key factors to meet with the goal. But in traditional way, most of manufactures are focusing on the price of market acceptance then quality, which are subjective and inconstant management to choice the LED supplier. The purpose of this study is assisting LED Lighting industrial to establish the clear and diversified conception for the overall management. This study is conferred by real records and industrial condition. Furthermore, aim for AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to organize the suitable assessment of LED supplier. This study will be the 7 constitutions, included Quality, Price Competitiveness, Delivery, Service, Production capacity, Innovation and Technical Capabilities and Management ability of Green Products, and 34 assessment standards as reference. The purpose is to assist the manufacture to determine the best way of suppliers to enhance the company competitiveness. The actual process of this study is, to set up the rank for LED supplier assessment, and go to further for Pair-wise Comparison Matrix, Eigen Vector and Largest Eigenvalues( ). In the last, to inspecting the consistency for single rank and overall rank to constitute the 7 constitutions and 34 assessment standards for supplier management. This study has been to build a real framework of execution and could be the reference for LED lighting manufacture to choice the suitable LED supplier.


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