  • 學位論文


Apply Behavior Patterns to Active Service Homecare System

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


由於台灣老人人口比例持續增加,獨居老人的比例也提高,生育率下降,使得老人居家照護成了熱門的話題,以前傳統有養兒防老的觀念,可是現在社會競爭激烈,許多年輕人必須到外地工作打拼,家裡面若有年邁的雙親成了子女在外擔心的問題,為了解決老年人居家照護安全的問題,並提供主動照護。本論文在不影響個人隱私的條件下,利用不同類型的感測器、主動照護系統器與用藥提醒器,組織成一個主動式服務居家照護系統。 本論文首先分析參與居家照護的角色,以及系統的設計概念,結合過去對於照護需求與規則的定義和歸類,再依照被照護者的照護需求及規則做了七大項分類,我們做了被照護者的行為模式分析、建置照護規則資料庫與管理系統以及緊急狀態層級分析,主要對象除了被照護者,也增加了照護人做為系統的重要角色。透過居家照護系統的監控來維持整個居家照護過程運作順利。 接著我們實際在被照護者家中建置了居家智慧型照護盒,在住宅不同位置裝不同類型的感測器,利用狀態接收模組、緊急通報模組、緊急狀況層級更新模組與系統回報模組,進行智慧型居家照護管理,監控被照護者每天的日常活動,當居住者的日常活動狀態不符合正常情況,系統就通知照護者及緊急聯絡人,來對於被照護者提供照護。另外主動式照護系統提供了被照護者住宅環境的監測與自動化控制,用藥提醒系統也提升了老年人用藥的狀況控制與管理,此系統最終的目的我們希望針對健康、居家、環境都能發揮輔助的功能,降低老人住宅發生危險的機會。 最後將應用行為模式設計之主動式服務居家照護系統,實際運作至的關懷照護服務當中,被照護者藉由此系統來進行居家照護監控,而照護者的工作,可以適時協助改善被照護者的居家狀況並提高居家照護品質與效率。 關鍵字:主動照護、居家照護,照護規則、行為模式、遠距照護、緊急狀態


The population for the aged in Taiwan is gradually growing; therefore, homecare for the elderly is getting popular to be addressed. According to the results yielded from the analysis of caretaker’s behavior model, the establishment on database and operational system for home care, and the analysis of urgent level, we analyze role of homecare participants and design concept for the system to further integrate them with past needs for homecare and principle definition and category. In addition to caretakers, this study also includes caregivers to serve as an important role for the system. Adopting a variety of modules, including status receptor, emergency report, regular update for urgent level, and system reply, homecare management is developed to monitor caretakers’ daily activities. When any of caretaker’s daily activities are deviated from the normal, the system will automatically inform caregiver and emergency contact person to provide quality service to caretakers. In addition, a control panel is designed to monitor and control caretakers’ residential environment and automatic application. Medication adherence reminders could also enhance the control and management of drug usage. Keywords: Homecare, Healthcare, Home Monitoring, Behavior Pattern, Context-aware


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