  • 學位論文

休閒牧場空間體驗規劃研究 —以飛牛牧場為例

The research of planning Leisure Ranch space experience -Based on the examples of the Flying-cow Ranch

指導教授 : 魏主榮


摘要 台灣近年來國內旅遊十分熱門,使得標榜著農村體驗的休閒農場迅速成長,而生產乳品的酪農業也不例外,紛紛轉型發展休閒事業。但是一般農民並不具有環境規劃與經營管理的基礎,導致目前休閒牧場經營品質良莠不齊。 乳牛的養殖最初是由國外引進,非台灣本土性產業,多數人品嚐過乳製品,卻很少機會能夠目睹乳牛及鮮乳產品的製程,除了特定酪農區外,一般不容易接觸,而國人憧憬歐美、紐澳等牧場景緻,都提供休閒牧場吸引遊客的條件。 本研究選定成立迄今已達三十五年的飛牛牧場作為案例,從早期中部酪農村專事酪農的生產,轉型至結合休閒產業與農業生產的複合式經營的模式,足以提供台灣牧場轉型經營的參考借鏡。 透過實地觀察牧場的設施規劃,實地測繪、拍攝記錄空間元素,以消費者角度親身參與牧場體驗休閒活動,藉以深入了解遊客在體驗過程中所呈現的實質感受。並針對牧場經營者、服務人員及遊客進行深度訪談,分析三方對於該休閒牧場空間體驗看法與建議。透過經營者空間營造概念、服務人員對於工作環境、遊客喜好反應之意見等,將訪談結果深入分析,以釐清經營者在休閒牧場空間體驗規劃之優點與缺失。結論提出休閒牧場體驗與空間規劃建議,作為休閒牧場業者未來經營規劃之參考依據。


ABSTRACT In recent years, domestic tourism is very popular in Taiwan, so bragging about the rural experience of leisure farms grow up rapidly. The dairy farms which produce dairy products are no exception, they transform and develop leisure undertakings one after another. But most farmers do not have the foundation knowledge of environmental planning and management, led to the current leisure management quality very differently. Dairy farming was first introduced from abroad, non-Taiwanese industry. Most people tasted dairy products, but very few changes to see cows and the produce processes of fresh dairy products. In addition to particular dairy region, general people are not easily accessible. Compatriots look forward to the farm scenes of Europe, America, New Zealand, and Australia. Because they all offer leisure farm conditions to attract tourists. This study selects the Flying Cow Ranch as a case which has set nearly 35 years. In the early stage, this ranch specialized in dairy production in central Taiwan. Then it transforms to combine leisure industry and agricultural production and forms a compound management model. So it can be a model for the transformation of ranches in Taiwan. Through observing the facilities planning of the ranch, draw and shooting the space element on the spot. Experience first-hand participation in ranch leisure activities from the consumer point of view to understand visitors experience the process of real feelings. And for farm operators, service personnel and visitors in-depth interviews, analysis of three-space experience for the leisure farm views and suggestions. Through creative space concept of the operator, service personnel for the work environment, and visitors’ opinions reaction, the research analyses the interview results deeply. And clarify the advantages and drawbacks for the space experience planning of operator.To conclude leisure farm experience and space planning proposals, as the leisure farm industry reference for future business planning




