  • 學位論文


Design the control system for 3C product development phase with REACH

指導教授 : 宮大川


隨著歐洲聯盟於2007年6月起開始陸續實施化學物質註冊、評估、授權與限制法規(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, REACH),促使經濟型態以出口導向為主的台灣3C電子產業系統廠,面臨現代產業競爭與供應鏈管理的另一波新綠色衝擊。雖然國際大廠與部分系統廠已具備因應REACH法規之相關管理措施,但經由訪談提供電子產業諮詢輔導的檢驗單位與生產3C類型產品為主的系統廠得知,現階段系統廠對於REACH法規著重於供應端之檢閱,認為透過綠色供應商管理模式,亦可達到綠色產品之管控,且部分系統廠甚至尚未完全妥善及積極因應。 因此,本研究以3C電子產業之系統廠為對象剖析綠色規範之要求,結合文獻探討與深入訪談之解析,界定產品發展階段為研究主軸,並運用自然程序理論(The Natural Step, TNS)四項階段之應用架構,研擬一套適用於3C產業系統廠之綠色產品發展階段管控系統。 第一階段是以建置因應REACH法規之3C產品發展階段管控系統,作為符合永續發展之階段性目標,再依據GPMS-HSPM管理制度之精神為準則,驗證綠色管控流程之可行性與實用性;第二階段彙整檢驗單位與系統廠所陳述之現況與問題,加以執行綠色差距分析;第三階段藉由文獻探討與深入訪談解析,歸納系統廠綠色管控作業,並透過統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)的使用案例觀點和流程觀點,建構3C產品發展階段管控系統,展現系統之作業流程及管控功能;第四階段依據系統廠之決策考量,選擇與建構符合3C產品管控系統之流程模式,以供尚未執行綠色管控之相關產業作為建構管控架構,或對已導入之系統廠改善原作業之參考,透過運用綠色資訊分享性與透通性,確保既有的競爭力,解決系統廠因應不同國際大廠產品規範差異,所衍生的作業困難,積極地形成新的競爭優勢。


With the European Union began being implemented Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) in June 2007. It is a crucial issue to the 3C electronics industries in Taiwan. According to the interview with the test organization of electronics industry and the system manufacturers, though the system manufacturers have established in conformity with relevant measures for REACH directive, it still has possibilities to be performed better. However, parts of the ones have not actively responded to REACH directive, and control operations have not yet in-depth discussions with the standards, and the risk derived will result in suffering punishing compensation most probably. Some one deemed that managing green product supplier would be well done with green product management, and have not actively responded to REACH in manufacture issue. This study focuses on the 3C electronics industry and applies a systematic approach to implement an information system framework especially at the product development phase. The Natural Step (TNS) with a four-step framework is the selected approach in main research. Firstly, build the 3C product development phase control system for REACH, as consistent with sustainable development milestones, and then GPMS-HSPM construct according to the spirit of the guidelines to verify the feasibility of green control processes. Secondly, exchange the current situation and problems of test organization of electronics industry and the system manufacturers, to implement the green gap analysis. Thirdly, search literature and analyze interviews, induction the test organization of electronics industry and the system manufacturers for green control, and through the Unified Modeling Language (UML) use case view and process of product development phase control systems for 3C industry, display systems of processes and functions. Fourthly, system manufacturers according to the decision-making considerations, selection and construction of 3C products meet the process control system model. We hope this reference model can ensure the competitiveness of system manufacturers, solve their manufacturing difficulties generated from differences of products specifications regulated by customers, and bring new competence and advantages.




