  • 學位論文


The Plightment and Transformation of Novice Middle School Homeroom Teachers in Students’ Developmental Guidance

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在探討「桃園市初任國中導師實施發展性輔導的困境與轉化」,透過初任教師的角度來了解其擔任導師時,實施發展性輔導的困境,這些困境依據教育部頒佈之「國民中小學聘任班級導師注意事項」,初步概分為班級經營、個案輔導與轉介、人際衝突與申訴處理、親師溝通與校內合作等向度。本研究採用紮根研究取向的質性研究方法,半結構式訪談法收集所需資料。研究的參與者為8位初任國中導師,皆為女性,年齡介於為25-30歲,教師年資:2-4年,初任導師年資:2-4年,透過滾雪球的取樣方式,邀請她們自願參與訪談,每個人訪談次數1-2次不等,每次時間約為90-120分鐘,資料分析採用紮根研究法的資料分析程序進行,針對資料的信實度,則採用受訪者與偕同分析的三角檢證程序進行。研究結果如下: 一、初任國中導師發展性輔導的困境包括:(一)在班級經營與師生 關係的困境包括: 師生互動的疏離、班級常規建立與違規行為處理的困難 、教訓輔管教合作的困難、班務處理的困難。(二)在人際衝突與申訴事件處理的困境包括:界定衝突事件的困難、無法有效處理衝突事件、無法掌控衝突事件的發生。(三)在親師雙向溝通與家庭聯繫的困境包括:學生管教原則達成共識的困難、老師與家長角度難以達成一致性、初任導師與家長溝通的困難。(四) 在個案輔導與適時轉介的困境包括:辨識學生問題行為的困難、輔導特殊需求學生的困難、與輔導室合作的困難、與行政科室合作的困難。 二、初任國中導師在發展性輔導的轉化:初任導師的轉化策略包括: 「 轉念之間-做好心理調適」、「堅定心中的信念-日久見人心」、「採取行動策略-用溫暖化解冰凍」、「善加運用資源-我不孤獨」。 這些參與者走過青澀時期,給予初任導師的建議包括,(一) 願意陪學生經歷就夠了。(二) 面對學生要先有自己班級經營的規劃、處罰的方式及底線,期待也需慢慢修正。(三) 導師要表現真實的自己,也要走進學生心理,並找到志同道合的夥伴。 研究者最後針對研究結果進行討論,並針對初任國中導師、學校、師資培育機構三方面提出建議。


The goal of this research was to explore the challenges and transformation of novice homeroom teachers in their developmental guidance work for middle school students in Taoyuan city. These issues, according to “The homeroom Teachers” guidelines provided by Ministry of Education for primary school and middle school teachers, included classroom management, individual guidance and referral services, conflict resolution and complaint handling procedure, parent teacher communication, and colmplied with schoo chores . This research was based on the interviews with 8 new middle school homeroom teachers,The teacher participants were all female, aged from 25 to 30, with 2 to 4 years of teaching experience. They voluntarily accepted the invitation to take part in the interviews. Through snowballing sampling procedure .Each participant was interviewed once or twice, and each session lasted 90 to 120 minutes. The data analysis followed the t grounded theory approach. To maximize the data validity, collaborative analytical process was adopted that followeds the principles of triangulation method. The findings were as follows, 1. The challenges confronted by those novice homeroom teachers included: 1.1 Issues related to classroom management and teacher-student relationships were : feeling isolated due to the lack of interaction between teacher and students, difficulty in setting up classroom rules and dealing with rule breakers,and problems in disciplining students. 1.2 Issues related to conflict resolution and complaint handling were: troubles in identifying conflicts and the lack of ability to effectively resolve a conflict and to prevent it from happening again. 1.3 Issues related to parent teacher communication were difficulties in have when consensus from parents about disciplinary principles for students' misconducts. 1.4 Issues related individual counseling and timely referral were: difficulties in identifying and correcting students' behavioral problems, counseling students with special needs, and collaborating with counseling office and school administratives. 2. The transformation strategies used by novice homeroom teachers included "on second thought--making mental adjustment," "having a firm belief--time will tell," "developing strategic action plans--warming up to break the ice," and "effectively use of resources--I am not alone." Those participants who made it through the initial phase of their teaching career offered the following suggestions: "Being there whenever students need you" 2.2 "Have your own class management plane, including the bottom line for disciplinary policy and gradually make adjustment in students' expectations, and to show your true self , to walk into the students' mind, and find your team in school". The results are discussed in depth with the hope of making useful suggestions to novice homeroom teachers in middle school, school administration and teacher education organizations.




