  • 學位論文


A mashup application of linked open data – using Taiwan cultural tourism as an example

指導教授 : 戚玉樑




The purpose of this study is the integration of open government data with other web data sources to enrich cultural tourism data. By using vocabularies, make data recognized and shared in different communities on the web. This study takes Taiwan tourism culture as an example. To enrich cultural tourism information, merging the related tourism open dataset which is from open government data platform (http://data.gov.tw) and turning these data into the cultural tourism dataset. With linked data technology, these integrated dataset will be converted into linked open data. Then, the processed linked open data will be shown in a RDF triple format, which is “subject-predicate-object”. In this type of format, it makes the data machine-readable on the web. Vocabularies are the foundation of information sharing. Using vocabularies to make the cultural tourism data and other web data have the same semantics and linked knowledge. Publishing the cultural tourism data on the Web as SPARQL endpoint, and querying cultural tourism data via the SPARQL query language. In order to make linked open data visualizable, we use a web-based interface to show the SPARQL query result.


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