  • 學位論文


The Research of the Barrier-free Environment Accesses of the Buildings for Convenience Stores:A Case Study of the Convenience Stores in Keelung City

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


自從第一家便利商店自約民國六十八年起引進以來,直至七十七年各體系之便利商店開始進駐台灣各街道馬路上,便利商店快速成長期,截至民國八十一年底,便利商店家數已達四千家,平均約每五千二百人即有一家店。行政院公平交易委員會為瞭解連鎖便利商店市場發展概況,迄95年底主要連鎖便利商店系統營業據點數合計達9,029店,而便利商店的經營方式,亦從交通便利位置之量的搶攻漸漸提昇到質的求精。而對於患有身心障礙或行動不便者進入便利商店消費或尋求服務時,出入口及室內通路及取貨等直至結帳等之通行環境,便是項需要去克服之挑戰,雖然有些便利商店無上述之問題,但有絕大部份商店尚有改善的空間。 本研究範圍以地形高低差異大、身障人數多之縣市,故選定基隆市全市區內便利商店建築物為主,以實地調查法、問卷調查、專家問卷、文獻蒐集等方法,蒐集無障礙設計規範法令及分析,探討目前便利商店出入口出入不方便形成之原因,分析目前建築物出入口、人行道或騎樓至道路間最需要被改善的問題,提出建築物出入通行具體改善之執行方法。其結果可提供使用者、管理者、設計者、規劃結構與材料層面作為參考的依據,作為改進無障礙環境設施設計之參考。 依現況調查統計其缺失共分為三項: 一.馬路進入人行道: 此項目中明顯處未設置專用標示共147家;舖面未平整防滑處理共51家;通道寬度未1.3m以上共24家;未設置引導設施共2家;未設置連續性引導邊界共2家。 二.人行道進入騎樓 此項目中明顯處未設置專用標示共138家;坡度比不適當共65家;地面未平順防滑共51家;側面未設置防滑條共1家;無雙邊扶手共17家;扶手管徑不適當共1家。 三.騎樓進入便利商店 此項目中明顯處未設置專用標示共153家;淨寬未80cm以上共18家;地面未平整共74家;未裝設聽視覺警示設備共26家;出入口前30cm處未設置與開口同寬,深度為60cm的警示帶共1家 。 經整理案例及分析結果,以上三項缺失狀況,部份只要補強標誌或設備及設施後,即可達到法規規定之標準,但部份狀況可能須要特別予以改善,如商店道路與騎樓高程或結構因素提高,致無法方便的進入室內進行消費問題,建議改善方法如下: 一、建立建築物無障礙環境細部設計圖說,於建築物規劃初期即導入設計內。 二、加強宣導便利超商無障礙環境之重要性,於新增擴展店舖時列入評估因素。 三、加速輔導部份便利超商尚未達無障礙環境標準者改善方案。 整體研究結果顯示,建立建築物無障礙之環境,能有效讓更多輪椅使用者進入便利商店消費增加業績,希望本研究結果能做為政府機關制定便利商店無障礙環境維護管理具體改善之參考,藉此逐漸改善無障礙環境等問題,提昇整體公共安全及友善都市。


Since the first convenient store opened in Taiwan in 1979, various brands of convenient stores of the enterprises vigorously growing at the streets and the lanes, there were 4,000 convenient stores in Taiwan until 1992, which means every store serves 5,200 people in average. The operating mode of convenient stores has transformed from quantity to quality. People can even pay all kinds of the bills in the convenient stores, which makes people are more rely on them. But the insufficient public utilities problems emerged when the incapacities entering the stores, the entrances and the indoor paths. Most of the convenient stores have the barrier-free environment problems, only a small number of them are qualified. This research aims at the buildings for convenient stores in Keelung city (in Taiwan), discussing the reason of the inconvenient entrances of the convenient stores through history researching, environment observing, questionnaire survey and analyzing the standard and law of the barrier-free building design. Investigating the inconvenience of the entrances of convenient stores, analyzing the problems of the unqualified entrances, the sidewalks and the overhang to the path and bring up the improvement solution. This research could be the references of the user, the supervisors, the designer, the structure and materiel, as a standard reference for barrier-free environment According to the investigation and statistic, the route defects are divided into three parts: 1.From road into sidewalk In this item, there are 147 stores without setting indication signs; 51 stores without flat and skid-proof floors; 24 stores with the paths which are under 1.3 meter in width; 2 stores without guiding facilities; 2 stores without continuous guiding borders. 2.From sidewalk into arcade In this item, there are 138 stores without setting indication signs; 65 stores with improper slope ratio; 51 stores without flat and skid-proof floors; 1 store without skid-resistant strips; 17 stores without both-sided handrails; 1 store with improper-caliber handrails. 3.From arcade into store In this item, there are 153 stores without setting indication signs; 18 stores with the clear width which under 80 cm; 74 stores without flat and skid-proof floors; 26 stores without audio-visual indicators; 1 store without the caution zone as wide as the width of the entrance, 30cm (from the entrance) * 60cm in scope. The investigation shows the structure of the path and the elevation of arcades of the buildings cause the problem, the improvement suggestions as below: 1.Establish the details of the building non-barrier environment in the initial designing period. 2.Propagandize the importance of non-barrier environment of the convenient stores, and incorporate it with the estimation when spreading branch stores. 3.Accelerates to direct and assist the ones who don’t reach the standard of the barrier-free environmental improvement plan. This research reveals that constructing the barrier-free environment makes more physical barrier and mentally challenged citizens can pass in and out of the convenient stores more freely and with respect, which also makes the stores make more profit from it. Hoping this research could be the improvement reference of the non-barrier environment of convenient stores for the government, which helps to build the barrier-free environment, to promote the public security and create the friendly metropolis in Taiwan.


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