  • 學位論文


The Practice of Fair Comment of the Article 311, Section 3 in the Criminal Law

指導教授 : 王敏銓 蔡蕙芳


刑法妨害名譽罪相關規定,在保障名譽權的同時,也對於名譽保障有所制衡,以保障言論自由。名譽權與言論自由二者,存在著高度的緊張關係,實際案例中如何權衡二者,非屬易事。而法條用語相當抽象,導致個案認定標準,呈現浮動性。在大法官第509號解釋之後,學界針對真實抗辯有許多精釆的論述,而對於言論自由的另一個分析焦點善意適當評論抗辯(合理評論原則),則較少著墨。 本文從言論的特質出發,將言論種類分為抽象謾罵、事實陳述與意見表達。事實陳述是以真實抗辯阻卻違法,而意見表達則應以善意適當評論阻卻違法。至於抽象謾罵,應不得以前述二種抗辯阻卻違法。本文基於前述言論的分類,探討善意適當評論所適用的相關罪名、體系定位、與真實抗辯的關係、審酌的內涵、適用的流程等諸問題。另並透過觀察實際判決的實證研究方法,了解實務運作存在的問題。本文提出善意適當評論實務操作的建議,並對於修法方向提出看法,期能有助於我國在名譽權與言論自由保障之間,找到明確的基準。


The defamation in the criminal law claims balance as well as defense in order to protect freedom of speech. There exists high extension between the right to reputation and freedom of speech, and the interpretation of the terms in the acts is very abstract. Accordingly, the terms apply to fact of individual case result in many differentiations. After the J. Y. Interpretation 509 has been issued, many dissertations respecting Truth of Justification were published by scholars and researchers. Another subject, however, in regard to fair comment is less studied. This thesis deliberates from the basic characteristic of speech, and furthermore classifies speech into three different categories: Abstract Abuse, Statements of Fact, Expression of Opinion. The Statements of Fact is to fulfill justification by means of defense of truth; Expression of Opinion is to fulfill by means of fair comment. With regard to Abstract Abuse, neither defense of truth nor fair comment apply to fulfillment of justification. This thesis researches the fundamental subjects of fair comment including applied codes, theoretical definition, relations to defense of truth, consideration of the comment, applied procedure; moreover, studies issues raised in real practice through empirical research on cases. Also, this thesis set forth suggestions and recommendations to legislations and expects to build criteria between the right to reputation and freedom of speech.


4. 吳永乾,美國誹謗法所稱「真正惡意」法則之研究,中正法學集
11. 李慧馨,新聞自由與誹謗罪--以我國近年之誹謗罪個案為例,藝
22. 馬立君,媒體言論自由的界線--以誹謗案件「真正惡意」法則適
34. 彭賢恩、劉怡靖、彭曉珍,刑法應用於網路誹謗案例之分析,資


