  • 學位論文

臺灣國際教育資源網學會iEARN Taiwan實務社群發展歷程之個案研究

A Case Study on the Development of iEARN Taiwan Community of Practice

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究以個案研究方式,針對臺灣國際教育資源網學會 (iEARN Taiwan) 的社群成員,透過實地觀察、訪談及文件蒐集等方式,探討實務社群的發展歷程。 在iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的形成方面,研究發現iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的發起是建立於既存的人際網絡上。實務社群雖然難以依照計畫或設計刻意發起,但實務社群的發展可為延續先前專案團隊,或由舊有團隊轉型發展而成。iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的組成元素有三:社群裡頭關心國際交流與專題式學習的人 (people) 、社群成員有共通價值與願景的事 (things) 與社群所創造及擁有的共同實務 (practice) 。研究者根據學者們對實務社群組織成員與角色的看法歸納為五種:領導核心群、促進擁護群、整合管理群、實務領導群以及圈外自助群。研究發現iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群需要不同角色以維持社群運作。 在iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的運作、互動與發展方面,研究發現iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群實體運作之年度活動創造社群節奏,其網路運作部分資料分散需要整合。實務社群成員互動方式多元,例如研討會的實體會面、電子郵件、電話、即時通訊甚至視訊等。社群成員互動的內容廣泛,包含:問題索解、經驗交流、尋求合作、成果分享、國際iEARN動態等。在互動情形方面,研究發現社群成員在互動上有以下情形:樂於分享、VIRAD模式、協同合作、實體活動收穫多於網路互動、外圍成員觀望等。另外,研究也發現社群成員在從事社群活動時,原校的組織領導、學校文化與支援方面有社群成員所屬學校同儕教師認同度高,參與率低,支援教師從事專案的程度依校長是否支持而有差異等情形。iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的發展階段除了從外圍群(國際聯繫人)、主動群(成為iEARN代表)再進入核心群(加入iEARN理事會)的成長軌跡之外,社群成員也感受到參與社群互動的學校與師生人數變多,行政工作更有效率,學科從英文科到跨科,層級從國、高中跨越到K-12。實務社群如同植物的生長,雖不能揠苗助長,但能做一些事讓植物更健康, 研究發現iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的發展策略有教師訓練、撰寫專刊、辦理實體交流活動、社群領域知識中文化、一對一帶領、志工訓練等。 在iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群的影響方面,研究發現iEARN Taiwan的社群成員能感受到參加社群活動對於自身的專業成長有所幫助,而帶領學生執行專案也帶給學生收穫,社群成員進而願意在社群中持續分享與努力。iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群之困難來自於人力不足、經費有限以及社會觀念待扭轉。研究發現iEARN Taiwan未來的挑戰在於如何讓社群永續發展,而社群成員對於困難與挑戰保持樂觀態度。 根據研究結果,研究者分別就iEARN Taiwan以及教師實務社群在形成、運作、互動、發展以及影響提出建議。對於iEARN Taiwan的建議:一、豐富社群實務,鼓勵成員分享與互動;二、吸引新成員,建立實務社群重要角色;三、建置專題式學習網站,供iEARN Taiwan實務社群師生使用。對於教師實務社群形成上的建議:一、專注教師實務社群的重要議題,以促進社群發展;二、建立實務社群重要的角色,以使實務社群有效運作;三、鼓勵社群成員分享社群實務,重視實務的管理。 對於教師實務社群運作、互動與發展上的建議:一、透過實體的聚會來建立成員間的信任並連結社群成員;二、建立供社群成員共同思考之論壇與分享知識之系統;三、透過各種管道宣傳與行銷實務社群以吸引新成員;四、學校領導者要鼓勵並提供支援與資源給願意參與教師實務社群的成員。對於教師實務社群產生正向影響上的建議:一、衡量實務社群價值,將個人專業發展與社群貢獻、組織利益結合;二、尋求管理階層的贊助者,以克服實務社群所面對之困難與挑戰。對後續研究的建議:一、以多重個案的方式探討不同教師實務社群的發展模式,歸納或印證適合國內教師之實務社群發展模式;二、可探討iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群有關形成、運作、互動、發展與影響等構面之間的關係;三、可延伸研究主題,探討iEARN Taiwan教師實務社群之成效。


The study aims to explore the development of the iEARN Taiwan teacher community of practice, including its formation, operation, interaction, developmental process as well as its impact on individuals and schools. The study found that iEARN Taiwan was originated from a network of old social structures and the structural elements of iEARN Taiwan are people, things and practice. Annual meetings created a rhythm for the community and data on the web needs to be integrated. The community members needed to take different roles in order to support the functions of iEARN Taiwan. The members of the community interacted with each other through multiple ways and their communications often involve rich content. The members of the community had some common characteristics, namely the willingness to share and collaborate, model of VIRAD, prefer face-to-face interactions than online interactions. In addition, the study also found that colleagues in school agreed with members of iEARN Taiwan, but did not want to participate. The development stages of iEARN Taiwan began with forming a peripheral group, then an active group and finally a core group. There were multiple development strategies for iEARN, such as teacher training, issues writing, holding activities, one-to-one lead, volunteer training and so on. The study found that community members of iEARN Taiwan felt their own professional growth, and brought students harvests in the implementation of iEARN projects, so community members were willing to try hard and share in the community. The difficulties of iEARN Taiwan were short of manpower, funding and how to reverse the social concept of diploma doctrine. The challenge of iEARN Taiwan was sustainable management. Based on the present study, twelve suggestions are proposed as following: 1. Concentrate on the important issues of the CoP in order to promote community development. 2. Establish important roles of the CoP to enable the effective functioning of community. 3. Encourage members to share practices and pay attention to how to manage practices. 4. Through the face-to-face meetings to establish trust among members and to link community members. 5. Integrate current website and afford members systems of the forum for joint reflection and sharing of knowledge. 6. Build project-based learning website for iEARN Taiwan teachers and students to use. 7. Through various channels that can market practices to attract new members join the community. 8. Measure the value of CoP; put the personal professional development, contribution of the community and interests of organization together. 9. School leaders should encourage teachers who are willing to participate in the international projects and should provide supports and resources to teachers. 10. In way of multiple cases to investigate the different CoP. 11. To explore the relationship between dimensions as follows:its formation, operation, interaction, development and the impact of iEARN Taiwan. 12. Extend the research to explore the effectiveness of iEARN Taiwan teacher community of practice.


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