  • 學位論文


Civil-Military Relations Research of Beiyang Government(1916-1928)

指導教授 : 洪陸訓


本文從文武關係的角度探討北洋政府時期(1916-1928年),北洋軍閥與當時北京政府、文人政客、社會等行為者間的互動,並從中討論軍人干政的過程與原因。   本文先討論北洋軍閥的崛起之背景,可以大致看出軍閥與北京政府間的大致關係,乃是軍閥藉內憂外患與民族主義崛起之因素,從而以武力控制中央政府,開始一段軍閥依靠武力角逐中央政權的歷史。接著大要式地介紹北洋軍閥內部對北京政權的權力角逐過程。使讀者對這段歷史有大略的了解。   北洋軍閥對北京政權的競逐,除了北洋軍閥的內鬥,亦有國內地方軍閥、政黨或文人的參與,以及帝國主義的干涉等因素影響著北洋軍閥競逐的過程。同時,在軍閥統治下,國會、內閣與政府組織的關係,是如何構成北洋政權的運作。並討論在軍紳政權下的市民社會,如何受軍閥影響或與軍閥互動之關係。   最後,可以從一句話來說明北洋政府時期的文武關係:「文人統制政府,軍人統制文人」。


In this work, the interaction of Beiyang warlords with Beijing government, civilian politicians, and the society during the period of Beiyang government (A.D. 1916-1928) was studied from the perspective of the civil-military relations. The origin and the process of the military interference in politics were also discussed. First, the historical background of the rising Beiyang warlords was given and discussed. Based on the background, the relationship between the warlord and Beijing government can be interpreted. Beiyang warlords controlled the government by force of arms by taking advantage of internal disorder and foreign invasions of Beijing government as well as the rising of nationalism. From then on, the history of military interference in politics was initiated. Then, the process of Beiyang warlords’ interference in politics by force of arms was introduced in the following pages of this thesis. Also, the factors which influence the competition among Beiyang warlords for dominating Beijing government, including the internal strife among Beiyang warlords, the involvement of local warlords, political parties, or civilians, and the interference of imperialism, were presented and discussed. Besides, during the rule of the warlords the development of the Beiyang government, which is affected by the interaction among Congress, Cabinet and governmental organizations, was reported. Furthermore, the influence of the warlords-based government on the people and the society was discussed. Finally, the civil-military relations during the period of Beiyang government can be concluded in one sentence: “Civilians dominate the government, but the civilians are controlled by the military.”


