  • 學位論文


Impacts on the tourism industry in Taiwan: a study of Free and Independent Traveler(FIT) from Mainland China

指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 范錦明


近年來,隨著世界各國經濟發展快速造成環境過度開發,人類開始思考人與環境的存續關係,轉而追求經濟發展與環境保護兼顧。觀光業具有與工業製造業具有同樣的經濟產值,但觀光產業並不會造成嚴重環境污染,這種無污染的服務業,一般通稱為歸納在第三類產業或是稱為「無煙囪工業」。對於許多已開發國家而言,無煙囪工業是一種受到積極推動的產業活動,這種隱形的貿易活動,對臺灣來說,則是最佳的經濟轉型契機。 兩岸在開放互動以來,一直是台灣人民單方面大量前往大陸地區促進兩岸交流,有鑑於此,隨著兩岸局勢和緩,開放大陸居民來台旅遊是兩岸人民交流一個重大的里程碑,開放陸客來台旅遊後,已經改變這種單方交流的現象。換言之,兩岸交流透過開放大陸居民來台觀光活動,藉此打破以往台灣居民單方面前往大陸地區,變成兩岸人民互訪。 2008 年擴大大陸居民來台觀光對於台灣觀光產業而言也是加速發展的一個突破點,在台灣知名的旅遊景點(如台北 101、日月潭、野柳等地)周遭或是觀光飯店開始發現陸客團的蹤跡,但是在 2011 年兩岸同意開放陸客來台自由行將藉由自由行移動性的特點將大陸居民來台的影響進一步至一般人民的接觸與生活之至中,也隨著熱門景點的飽和與行程多元性,陸客得藉由租賃交通工具、選擇居住特色民宿、透過壯遊景點深度旅遊台灣,這一些都是陸客團無法影響的觀光產業,自由行模式會逐漸加重大陸居民對台灣觀光產業的影響,這一點也是本研究的目的,將透過政策更迭研究、專家研究報告與媒體報導瞭解陸客來台觀光狀況,並藉由與台灣觀光產業從業人員訪談與文獻相互檢驗,藉此瞭解開放大陸居民來台自由行對台灣地區觀光產業影響,並提出自由行底下台灣觀光產業的因應之道建議,提出個人研究的結論,作為本研究的總結,希望台灣的觀光產業能在日後更好更壯大。


People have been thinking about the concerns with men and environment because of the overdevelopment caused by rapid economic growth among countries in recent years, while trying to pursue economic growth and protect environment at the same time. Tourism industry is as high-valued as manufacturing industry, and wouldn’t harm the environment, and this kind of zero-pollution industry is so-called “the Third Industry” or “the Non-chimney Industry.” The Non-chimney industry has been actively promoted in developed countries, and this invisible trade activity may be an economic turning point for Taiwan. Taiwan has unilaterally been the core tourist to travel in Mainland China after opening up the cross-strait relations; after a period of time, the situation between Taiwan and China has eased, and it’s a significant milestone for breaking the unilaterally visiting by consenting Chinese to access to Taiwan. In other words, not only Taiwanese but also Chinese can travel in each other’s country after opening up the cross-strait relations. 2008 is a turning point for Taiwan tourism industry because of the opening, and there are lots of Chinese groups travel around those famous scenic spots in Taiwan such as Taipei 101, Sun Moon Lake, and hotels as well, etc. Agreeing the Free-Independent Traveler (FIT) from Mainland China to Taiwan has assaulted against tourism industry, unlike Chinese group travelers, Chinese tourists have more chances to know more about Taiwan because of the mobility and variety, which are the benefits of FIT. Travelers from Mainland China have affected Taiwan tourism industry by transportation, accommodations, scenic spots in Taiwan, etc., and that’s a way for Chinese travelers to dig deeper in Taiwan’s society. The main goal for this study is to comprehend the effects caused by FIT to Taiwan, based on the methods, for instance, studying policies, academic research, and inspecting between references and interview data, etc.. Also, this study attempts to give advises as conclusion for FIT, and wishes a brighter and better future for Taiwan tourism industry.




