  • 學位論文


Standy on China People's Liberation Army Political Work Informatization Strategy

指導教授 : 陳建甫


中共對中國大陸民眾之整體網路控管措施自其推動互聯網發展以來持續有之,而在軍改過程裡,共軍所訴求之現代化軍兵種對高素質人才需求愈趨提升,其兵源亦由社會青年所徵募,營外生活仍回歸社會,故探討中共推動軍隊政治工作信息化做法不可忽視其現行社會所實施之政工網管手段,本章節探討中共現行政工與資訊技術之結合措施、推行「互聯網+黨建」工作內容及網路輿論引導模式,理解中共對中國大陸的政工理論宣傳及意識形態管控方法。 在中共推行軍隊現代化兵力轉型的當下,中共對於其政治工作的發展及運用亦進行了相對調整,其整體組織變革的過程對於中共而言,亦象徵著官兵觀念意識將於接觸資訊快速流通的過程中潛藏著思維國際化的可能,此現象對於慣以牢扣思想意識手段限制個人及團體組織的中共中央而言實為一大隱憂,故其亦於此期間頒布多樣規定與作法,期穩固可能因軍改政策及單位變更而產生的官兵負面心緒,亦藉以加強對軍改換血新進的年輕官兵灌輸中共黨國框架的「愛國」理念及民族情結,此期間共軍政治工作的信息化做法與轉變,以及對其建軍備戰將造成何種影響,孰為令人關注。


政治工作 信息化 網路政工


The CCP's overall network control measures for the Chinese mainland have continued to be sustained since the development of the Internet. In the course of the military reform, the demands of the modern army for the high-quality personnel are increasing, Social youth is still recruited, camp outside the life is still return to society, so the CCP to promote military political work of information technology practices can not be ignored in the implementation of the existing social network management tools, this paper discusses the current political and information technology, the combination of " Party building "work content and network public opinion guidance model, understand the CPC on the Chinese mainland political propaganda and ideological control methods.In the process of China's implementation of the modernization of the armed forces of the armed forces, the CCP has also adjusted the development and application of its political work. In the process of making contact with information, the process of overall organizational change has a phenomenon of internationalization of officers and soldiers thought, It is a major issue for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Therefore, the CCP has also promulgated various provisions and practices during this period, it is hoped that the officers and men will be strengthened and the young officers and men of the military, Love party concept and nationalism. At present, the implementation of the political work of the Communist Party of China's information technology practices and changes, as well as its military preparation war will be what kind of impact, worthy of attention.


