  • 學位論文


A Study of Implementation of Character Education in Taipei Primary Schools

指導教授 : 高熏芳


品格教育包括道德教育與公民教育,道德教育強調是非善惡判斷與社會倫理議題,而公民教育在於培養誠實、正直、關懷及自省之公民責任。依據我國「教育基本法」以及「國民教育法」的精神,國民小學教育係以人格教育為中心,培養德、智、體、群、美五育均衡發展之兒童為目的。然而在升學及尚智主義下,品格教育未能與其他學科教學結合,無法確立其核心地位,原有教育目標立意亦因此動搖。國民小學是學童奠定良好品格最重要的階段,學童除需學習基礎知識能力外,更需陶冶良好的品格與習慣。 反觀美、加、日等先進國家,除推動相關政策,透過學校整體教學活動徹底實踐,更強調父母與社區參與和學校建立伙伴關係,以促進品格教育有效推行。我國教育部於九十三年十二月公佈「品德教育促進方案」,期望培養學生實際生活之正確態度和情操。台北市雖為首善之區,對品格教育之推動,早在九十二北市教育局「研商臺北市教育發展公共論壇」相關事宜會議之議題五-培養學生品格教育議題中即呼籲推動品格教育之重要性,然而,台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況究竟如何?其課程型態、教學方式、教學資源的利用以及教學成效究竟如何?目前尚未見相關之研究進行探討,亦無法瞭解其實施的困難與挑戰。 本研究的目的在透過問卷調查與內容分析了解台北市國民小學品格教育實施的現況,著重課程型態、教學方式、教學資源、成效評鑑以及困難與挑戰,以作為台北市國民小學改進品格教育實施之參考。研究結果顯示: 1.台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況之「課程型態」以「外顯課程」為主。 2.台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況之「教學方式」以具備理論基礎之「道德教學法」及融入非正式課程之「多元教學方式」為主。 3.台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況之「教學資源」以「學校」自身之教學資源為主,輔以家長及社區資源。 4.台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況之「成效評鑑」以教師「晤談法」及學生「自我評量」為主。 5.台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況在「困難與挑戰」方面,以「與學校相關」之問題為主,其次為「與家庭相關」、「與社會相關」之問題。 6.台北市國民小學品格教育實施現況之課程型態、教學方式、教學資源、成效評鑑等面向間呈現「顯著相關」。


Character education includes moral education and citizen's education. Moral education emphasizes social ethics topic and judged by good and evil. Citizen’s education lays stress on training citizenship as honest, justness, care and introspection. The goal for elementary education in Taiwan regards life education and character education as the “center “and thus train and educate students to achieve balanced development. However, under the high pressure of entrance examinations and academic competitions, character education failed to integrate with school teaching and establishing its key position. As a result, the original educational objective for character education is not realized. Taking schools of most advanced countries as example, such as America, Canada, Japan, they all promote relevant policy about character education, teach through whole school activity practice completely, emphasize parents and community participation and partnership, in order to promote character to educate and pursue effectively. The elementary school is the most important stage for students to establish good character. The students are not only having intellectual ability and knowledge, but also the molding of good character and habit. Taipei is the nation capital. The emphasis of character education can be observed in topic of the relevant meeting, such as ” The Public Forum of Educational Development of The City of Taipei of Grinding Trader”. People in the meeting all agreed to urge the city education authority to focus on student's character development. In addition, Ministry of Education also announced the “Character Education Promotion Scheme“ in September of 2004 that expects to achieve the actualization of character education in schools. The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of character education of Taipei elementary schools in terms of curriculum types, teaching methods, assessment and evaluation, teaching resources and difficulty and challenges. It is hoped that through this research, the suggestions for improving character education can serve better reference for elementary schools. The study shows: 1. The curriculum type of character education in Taipei primary schools is mainly “explicit curriculum”. 2. The teaching method of character education in Taipei primary schools is mainly the moral teaching methods with theoretical foundation and multiple teaching methods which incorporate with informal curriculum. 3. The teaching resource of character education in Taipei primary schools is mainly from the teaching resource of schools complemented with parents and community resources. 4. The assessment and evaluation techniques of character education in Taipei primary schools are mainly teacher interviewing students and students’ self- evaluation. 5. The difficulties and challenges of character education in Taipei primary schools are mainly associated with the problems of schools, families and society at large. 6. The curriculum type, teaching method, teaching resource, assessment and evaluation of character education in Taipei primary schools are significantly related to each other.


高熏芳、黃星凱(2004)。我國教育科技研究所碩士論文研究趨勢與議題之內容分析。2004 教育資訊國際術研討會論文,未出版,台北。


