  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship among the Commands’ Leadership Style and Organizational Change on Constructing Learning Organization, Promoting Organizational Commitment and Improving Work Behavior in 1th Air Force Area Logistic Command

指導教授 : 謝介仁
共同指導教授 : 何嘉惠


摘 要 「軍以戰為主,戰以勝為先」,一場波灣戰爭改變整個作戰思維,戰力從「量」的優劣轉為「質」的優勢,欲建構現代化戰力必經組織精簡與變革,而軍事單位是否具備創新求變的改革動力。隨著社會價值體系的改變及國防組織的調整,任職於科層組織成員對環境變遷認知,產生對組織承諾態度與彰顯於外的工作行為是否產生變化,係本研究探究的主軸。 國防部為落實政府學習型組織建立的政策,並精進國軍幹部素質,配合教育部推動「學習型社會」,規劃建置國軍全方位終身學習環境,進而強化整體幹部的本職學能。國軍在推行學習型組織,業已多年其實際的成效與軍旅經管政策方面,是否兼顧組織目標與個人生涯規劃的需求,個人成長與回饋至組織是否相輔相成,是為本研究另一研究主軸。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以SPSS統計視窗軟體及AMOS為統計分析工具,針對樣本資料使用因素分析、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、集群分析、迴歸分析及理論結構模式驗証式等方法。研究目的在於探討主官領導型態及組織變革對於學習型組織、組織承諾與提昇工作行為之影響關聯程度,並以空軍後勤第一指揮部官、士、聘、雇人員為研究對象,共發出450份問卷,有效問卷250份,有效回收率為55%。 本研究之假設分為五類:一是個人特徵在各變項間的差異,二是變項間的相關性,三是不同集群間的變項差異情形,四是中介效果影響性,五是理論模式架構驗證。 本研究主要發現如下: 1. 轉化型、交易型及家長型領導對於軍事機關建構學習型組織與提昇國軍幹部組織承諾與工作行為均達極顯著正相關。 2. 組織變革對於軍事機關建構學習型組織與提昇國軍幹部組織承諾、工作行為均達極顯著正相關。 3. 軍事機關建構學習型組織成效對於國軍幹部組織承諾與工作行為有非常顯著正相關。 4. 轉化型、交易型及家長型領導型態與學習型組織對於組織變革;學習型組織與組織承諾對於工作行為具有部分之預測效果。 5. 建構領導型態(組織變革)、學習型組織、組織承諾、工作行為兩條明顯路徑模式。 本研究依據上述研究發現,分別對軍事機關及國軍同仁及未來研究者提出建議,以供參考。 關鍵詞:領導型態、組織變革、學習型組織、組織承諾、工作行為


Abstract “The military is mainly for the fights and the fights are chiefly for the victory”.The Gulf War changes the operation thought entirely. The measure of fighting ability is transferred from quantity to quality. Through simplifying and transforming, modern fighting forces can be built. Do the military units have motive power to transform?With the changes and adjustments in national defense system, do members on department layers with environmental cognition change their organizational promise attitude and working behavior? This is the main subject in this research. The Ministry of National Defense(MND) organizes the policy in order to implement government's Learning Organization, improve military officer quality, cooperate with the Ministry of Education’s “the learning society promotion” , and plan to build a career learning environment. Thus, this can enhance leaders’ knowledge capability. For many years, the Armed Forces have promoted learning organizations. Did the results and the management policy meet the personal and organizational needs? Did the personal growth help the organization? And this is another subject that this study focuses on. Adopting questionnaire investigation, this study applies SPSS & AMOS programs as the analysis tools, and uses factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, T test, One-Way analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA), correlation analysis, block regression analysis, cluster analysis, and SEM analysis for sampling. The purpose of this paper is to study and show the relationship between leadership style and organizational transfer construction Learning organization, and promoting organizational commitment and improving work behavior in military organizations. Taking the Air Force 1st Logistics Command as a sample, the research instrument of choice is a well-structured questionnaire distributed to 450 persons. The final sample’s size is 250; therefore, the rate of return for the questionnaire is 55%. The study assumption includes five parts: (1) the difference of individual characteristics in all variables, (2) the correlations among variables, (3) the difference of variables from cluster to cluster, (4) the mediating effects between variables, and (5) the proof of theory models. This study presents the following major findings: 1.There are strongly significant positive correlations among transformation, transactional and paternalistic leadership on constructing learning organization, promoting organizational commitment and improving work behavior in military organizations. 2.There are strongly significant positive correlations among organizational transfer on constructing learning organization, promoting organizational commitment and improving work behavior in military organizations. 3.There are positive and strongly significant correlations among constructing learning organization on promoting organizational commitment and improving work behavior in military organizations. 4.There are mediating effects in the relationship Transformation, transaction, paternalistic leadership and learning organization to organizational transferring, in the learning organization and organization committing to work behavior. 5.Constructing leadership style (organization transfer), learning organization, organizational commitment, work behavior is two obvious path models. Based on the above, this study offers some suggestions to the military organizations, the military workers and the future researchers.. Keywords: Leadership Style, Organizational Change, Learning Organization, Organizational Commitment, Work Behavior.




